Adrenaline rush!!

I finally got a chance to go white water rafting this past weekend at Wild Waters in Sagana and it was the most awesome experience ever!!!

When you reach Sagana, the instructors give a briefing of what you are meant to do when you go water rafting.

The raft, a life jacket, helmet and a paddle

First up, before you enter the raft, you must wear a well fitting helmet that will not fall out, and a properly fastened life jacket which is very important because this will save your life in case you fall out of the boat.

The rope around the raft is the one you are meant to hang onto for dear life when the rapids get too crazy. The instructor, a hilarious Brit, managed to put the fear of God in us by telling us about how there are crocodiles in the Tana river who may grab our paddles with their teeth. The really large crocodiles may try twist the paddle out of our hands, and he was telling us how to wrestle with the crocodiles Crocodile Dundee style rolls eyes. We were also warned about snakes and how they may jump into the raft and how we should all move to one side of the boat.

We were told about how one must lie on their back in case they fall into the water, and we were warned against trying to wade in the water since the river bed is reminiscent of  Nairobi’s bad pot hole ridden roads but even worse. There is also a safety rope that is about 20 meters long that is kept in the boat which is used to rescue people who fell out and are far away from the raft.  By the end of the brief, I was terrified of getting into the water.

We had to drive out of the camp to get to the starting course, where the river is upstream. It is about a fifteen minutes drive from the White waters camp. We wore our helmets, securely fastened our life jackets and picked out our paddles. The next step was getting into the rafts, where the river guides gave us more in depth instructions.

If you look at the picture of the raft, the front is the side right next to the man with the AIG shirt. The handle is what the person seated infront should grab a hold of if the rapids get  too rough. The round tubing inside the raft is where you should secure your feet under in case you feel like the raft is about to tip over. We were instructed to sit on the rim of the raft, but if things got too rocky we were told to seat inside the raft (like where the life jackets are).

We were also taught how to hold the paddle correctly and how to forward and back paddle.  Forward paddle steers the raft frontwards and back paddle means vice versa.

We were 7 people in each raft, inclusive of the river guide. Our river guide was this cheeky, funny old British guy, he was really cool. So we set off into the Tana river, which looked like this:


It is advisable NOT to carry any valuables when you go water rafting since they could get wet or lost in the water so I could not take any pictures 😦

The start of the course was pretty calm, our river guide did most of the paddling for us. The river bed was reminiscent of the Amazon, think of that river in the movie Anaconda. I was seated at the front which was not the brightest idea because when the raft veers into the bushes, we were the shields for everybody else. I was so scared I would come face to face with a snake, I absolutely abhor snakes *shivers* and that briefing they gave us did not help matters.

I am glad to report we did not come across any snakes or crocodiles, those guys were just yanking our chain.

The river was rocky, and we reached sections where the rapids were high, and yours truly fell out of the raft. We had gone over a large rock  and the boat tipped over on my side, I thought we were capsizing, but I was the only one who fell out. I touched the floor of the river bed and in my mind I was thinking ‘Oh God I have landed on a crocodile’.

The guide was instructing everyone loudly to hoist me into the boat using my life jacket, he said it with such urgency which freaked me out even more. But thankfully they got me back into the raft.

We reached a section which was rocky and we had to get out of the rafts and let them float past the bad terrain, then we got back into the raft and headed over to rougher parts of the water. I shifted positions so I sat in the middle which was much better.

The sections where the rapids were high were so much fun, the guys on my boat were hilarious. There were 2 people who could not swim so they were a bit more scared then the rest of us but they were good sports! We went down this section of the river in this photo, which is right next to a small waterfall when you take the corner. There is a very beautiful rainbow right next to the waterfall, such an amazing sight to behold. We steered the raft right under the waterfall.

After that section the water was pretty much calm, and we attacked other rafts and pushed them into the water, our guide is just evil, he threw me into the river twice! He attacks when you least expect it, like when you are hoisting someone up and he pushes you so you all go back down into the water 🙂

The course was about 28 km long and it was definitely one of the most amazing experiences of my life, I suggest you try it one of this days. It costs Kshs 6000 and you can get all the details on their website White Water Kenya.



Thank God It’s Friday!!!!!

It is a cold morning in Naitown, it is extremely nippy, but hey, the weekend is here!!!

I am excited about

my new bathroom! It has just been refurbished because it was a hot mess, I cannot wait to take a shower when I get home 🙂

Today I Am Feeling


My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

Tiwa Savage - Kele Kele


This Weekend I

am finally going white water rafting 🙂 I am excited and scared all at the same time. But that is one thing I can knock off my bucket list :). Plus I have graduation parties to attend. I am thinking of going quad biking too, but let us see what state I will be in on Sunday.

I wish

my sinuses would stop acting up every morning, it sucks!

I hope

the sun comes out, I miss basking in it’s warm rays.

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is

‘Four things never come back: The spoken word, the sped arrow, the past life and the neglected opportunity.’

Have a Fantastic Friday!!!

Peace out,

DIY – Studded Purse

My first DIY, how excited was I when I stumbled upon this DIY Studded Suede Purse online yesterday?!

I bought a pink purse like 4 years ago in Toi market, which I never used to use much because I found it to be too plain. But after I saw this DIY I knew metal studs would spruce it up.

My pink purse

My mum bought me a studded belt a few years back that got worn out. So I have been removing the studs and putting them on my clothes and anything else I can think of.

Remove the studs from the belt
The studded belt minus some studs

You will need a sharp metal blade to cut slits for the metal studs on the purse. I used a cutting tool that I bought with my beading kit which is really sharp.

Cutting device

Since I had ruined my nails doing this DIY, and I wanted to save some studs for a rainy day, I decided to add some embellishments if I may call them that. I bought them a while back at Biashara Street at some store there I forget the name, they cost 5 Kshs per bead.

Stars and Circles

After slaving away all night last night, here is the finished product, which I have just noticed is not symmetrical O_o I am anal about symmetry but it is no biggy,  I will just change it if it becomes too much of an eye sore.

My DIY Studded Purse 🙂

DIY is so much fun, I have always loved crafting my own things since I was a kid, so look out for more DIY posts on here 🙂

Side Bar

Ya’ll know I hate monotony, so it was time to switch things up and get myself a new signature:)

Kisses and cookies,

Happy 2nd birthday Revealed!!!!

Happy 2nd birthday to Media Madness!!! I saw someone sending them wishes and that is how I remembered that I started this blog in August 2009 too! hangs head in shame. There is nothing worse than forgetting a birthday, I hope my blog forgives me *puppy eyes*.

So the official anniversary was on 5th of August, and that day, 2 years ago was when I decided to blog seriously and religiously. I started blogging in 2005 and I opened many blogs and I never actually took it seriously. But I had joined twitter, and met tweeps who had been blogging forever and they motivated me to start blogging religiously.

I have always loved writing since I was a kid. My earliest memory was when I scored 20/20 on my English Composition in standard 2, and it was about a great dream I had had about a place I went to where everything was made of candy, from a chocolate river, to masala sticks grass, gum drop flowers etc. Hansel and Gratel was a great inspiration.

I used to try my hand at writing novels, they never went past chapter 2, but I still loved the process either way.

In university I interviewed for the role of editor at Campus Vybe, an online campus magazine run by East Africa Media something, the guys behind True Love, Drum at the time.  I did not get the job sadly 😦 but I was given the opportunity to be the correspondent for my uni. I got to cover events, take pictures and stuff. It was a nice experience, too bad they killed the website so I have nothing to show for it 😦

I also had the opportunity to be part of the organizing committee for the annual AIESEC magazine a few years back, and I was one of it’s editors. I was very proud of that report, I think that was the last published LEAD Magazine.

After that, I have not really had a chance to do real writing, until I started my blog. The best part about blogging is, I have loyal readers, I can track the success of the things I write and I get immediate feedback.

I would still love to have my work published in magazines or to write a book. One day it will happen. For now wordpress suffices as my trustee publisher, plus it is free.

If you would like to do a guest post on Revealed, email me I would love to have you on here 🙂

I would kill to be featured on the wordpress dashboard!! That would be like a dream come true. I think Truthslinger is the only kenyan blog that has ever been featured on there. He has a fantastic photo blog so it really came as no surprise.

The future for Revealed, I do not think I will register a domain just yet. Really would be such a lame domain name. I still consider myself really clueless, do not get me wrong, I still have a lot of living to do. I just need to get the perfect domain name and the perfect website.

I have tried in vain to put this as my header image.

As we mark post number 270, and 2 years of  blogging, I would like to thank you all for reading, subscribing, and commenting. Revealed would never have reached number 25 in Kenya according to Afrigator without you.

Me love you long time :p

Lottsa Love,

Plunged in darkness

Yes, Kenya Power(less) are at it again, and the way they had behaved so well for some time smh.
So here I am chilling in my bed, it has been a nice chilled out weekend. I think I have been sleeping for over 9 hours which is awesome 🙂
Anyhoosmu day by day I find out shocking things about people, I try to always look for the good in people but they always seem to let me down.
Now I am left wondering whether it is safe to trust them or not.. I guess I will just have to tread carefully.
I seem to be making progress day by day, I see things and feel nothing. I sometimes get the urge to retaliate, but it is so not worth it.
I have also reached a point where I do not need to change to please other people. If you cannot accept me for who I am, then screw you!!!
Someone got me something just because they thought I would like it 🙂 how awesome are they?! I think I will be doing that, getting my friends stuff that I spot that I think they would like.
The lights are not back yet *pouts* now I am racking my brains out trying to figure out what to write about.
I am not so excited about this monday, it is going to be a busy week. I wish sunday lasted for 2 days.
Have a blessed week ya’ll, here is hoping there is nothing but awesomeness in store for all of us.

Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.

Follow Friday~Blog Lovin

Today I would like to turn the spotlight on cool blogs which I discovered, or which I knew about that do not get the attention they deserve, and basically just share with you stuff that I now read on a regular.

Simple Vintage Virgin

Leez rocking her lace dress

I discovered this blog this week and I loved it! Leez chronicles her love for thrift shopping, vintage and fashion. I love her outfit posts, one day I will go raid her closet soon.


Hi. I hate you all.

That was his debut post on this blog, that alone should tell you that this is a blog worth reading. He claims his blog is for all the loosers, but if you think you are a cool cat I think it is for you too. Despite the hurl of insults he hurls at us readers, he is witty and hilarious, which makes it all worth it.

That Angel Girl

Do you guys remember Me, Myself and Isis ? Well she moved on to this new blog where she shows us the cool stuff she does with her mother’s clothes, which unwillingly makes you want to raid your mothers clothes.  I love how she can make one clothing item, wearable in like five different ways. She has some really hot shoes too!


Kbaab is a lady who likes music, and writes about her fun nights out, her relationships with men and her interactions with different people. Her writing is quite captivating and is a mighty good read.


The tag line speaks for itself.

These are his musings fueled by vodka and his relations with women (I am waiting for you to ask me about this). He claims to speak on behalf of other men, sometimes. He has a way with words, that paint a mental picture in your brain. I like his blog despite the fact that it has no pictures in it and we all know that I am a visual person. As you read his blog, you can tell he has an excellent command of English, feel free to point out his grammatical errors :p He dabbles in a bit of poetry in his first posts so be sure to check those out, and encourage him to write more if you like it.

(studs and pearls)

I am a big fan of DIYs, I think it is so original when you can make your own things. This lady here has some brilliant DIY projects it is insane!

DIY studded trench coat



So there you have it my friends, brand new links to feast your eyes on. Trust me you will not be disappointed.


Thank God It’s Friday!!!

I need some good old rest and relaxation, this has been one hell of a week!

I am excited about

just chilling. That is all I want to do…

Today I am Feeling

like crap!! My white blood cells or whatever fights diseases has really failed me this week. I have been having stomach pains and now a cough and runny nose. My sinuses are killing me, and my nose needs a plunger o_O.

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

This song is the business!!! How hot does Lupe look? yeah I think he outdoes Trey Songs in this video! The instrumentals on this track is sick!

This Weekend I

really need to get my hair did, I have been having a bad hair week! I also need to meet up with my pal, it has been too long since I saw her.

I wish

the contractors working on our road were not doing such a shoddy job. Every day it is man against the mud. Yesterday we were stuck for 2 hours!!! I also wish……..

I hope

it stops raining,and that I get better soonest.

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is

Have A Fantabulous Friday!!!!!

Kisses and Oreos dunked in milk,

Of life and things…

I had a very interesting weekend, filled with lottsa dancing, awkward moments, music, fun, it was epic in it’s own way.  The awkward moments were plenty, but I eventually got through them.

Nairobi is too small for it’s own good, we have been reduced to 3 degrees of separation. Everyone is someone’s ex, and eventually someone’s next.

The best solution seems to be, to stay away from these people before they get you into trouble. If trouble grabs you and tries to dance with you, run away quick fast!

If there is something I realized this weekend was how fast things change between people. I have mentioned enough times how much I hate change.  There were some people I was so comfortable with, but now it is kinda weird and with someone else we are practically like strangers. The latter is the main problem, how we have come to this, given where we started out is just sad. I keep making progress, then taking like 5 steps backward. I cannot wait for things to just be normal again, to not feel a thing.

God truly is amazing, he sends people to me who make me happy when I am feeling down.

Sometimes I wonder, women understand each other, and men get each other as well. Doesn’t this mean that gay people must have the easiest relationships since they are from the same gender and they understand each other?

I wish life did not revolve around the interaction between men and women. I want to define and determine my own happiness.

4 years ago, if we had a conversation about relationships I would have told you love does not exist, all men are punks et al. My sentiments have definitely changed thus far, not all men are punks or I hope they are not. As for love, I still wonder about it. The men who have claimed to love me had their own warped ways of showing it, so as a result I am back to not believing in it. I now also question my ability to express love, I am generally not an emotional, lovey dovey person. Long story short, I am not eliminating the thought of welcoming love into my life, it will now just take a while for me to warm up to the idea of it, after determining whether the opposite person is 100% sure about how they feel.

Yeah, I am not in a good place right now when it comes to how I feel about myself, which is really sad when I come to think of it. I like myself for who I am, I am just not sure whether other people will accept the real me, with my awesomeness and imperfections. Feel free to jump in and declare how much I rock now.

I have also come to realize that for me this blog is just to air out my thoughts and shove the stuff I love down your throats, but to some people my blog posts helps them in some way. Who knew my mindless jibber jabber can actually be of good use?




Watch the throne: A Jay-Z and Kanye West collaboration

I like to consider myself a huge Jay-Z fan, I dig his music, his savvy business sense, his suave style, what’s not to love about him?! Though sometimes I find it difficult to defend my fandom, I know what me and Jay have is special. I discovered today that Jay-Z is Shawn and not Sean smh I need to brush up on my Jigga knowledge.

Today morning I got to listen to a track from Watch the Throne, the new album by Jay-Z and Kanye West, called Lift off featuring Beyonce and I loved it! It made me get excited about the album, and thanks to one of my tweeps I got my hands on it and it is all I have been listening to all day.

I haven’t done an album review in a minute and this is definitely an album worth reviewing.

First up, the album art is very creepy in my opinion. Looking at them kinda makes me shiver, they look like they contain some hidden message that will infiltrate your mind if you stare at it for long. There are pictures of Jigga and Ye with fangs and whiskers, and their eyes look weird 0_o. Then there is a picture of the grains of wood, which makes no sense and another one of an angel with a star on the centre of her face, very creepy looking. The first thing that came into my mind was Illuminati!! Though I have never really taken that Illuminati story seriously…

This was the only picture that was not soo weird, though it still kinda is, that was not featured in the digital booklet.


No church in the wild feat Frank Ocean and The Dream has some catchy beats, and a nice hook that you cannot help but sing along to. Without reading the credits I would have never guessed that was The Dream on the track.

Lift Off  featuring Beyonce is hands down my favourite track. It is such a catchy, feel good track. A number of talented people are behind this song. Kanye West produced it; Q-tip and Pharell have also been credited as co-producers. Additional production was done by Don Jazzy, repping for Africa, plus he also provided additional vocals together with Seal and Mr Hudson. The lyrics for this song make no sense to me, apart from the hook. Either way I love it!

N**as in Paris is the 3rd track in this LP was actually recorded in Paris. There is just something about this song, Jay-Z and Kanye sound awesome.

Despite the fact that Otis was released earlier, today was when I got to finally hear it. I also had the opportunity to listen to Otis freestyles by DMX and Busta, and Tinie Tempah (his was my favourite). It is definitely a big tune, featuring Otis Redding and contains samples from James Brown. I heard the Games Otis diss track and he has nothing over these guys.

Jay is chilling, Ye is chilling, what more can I say??

James Brown has been sampled once again on Gotta Have it, a Neptunes produced track. Kid Cudi provides additional vocals for this joint. This song never really caught my attention.

I really like the lyrics of New Day, Jay and Kanye talk about how they will raise their sons and the kind of lives they want for them.

‘See, I just want ‘em to have an easy life, Not like Yeezy life,

Just want ‘em to be someone people like’

Don’t want ‘em to be hated all the time judged

Don’t be like your daddy that would never budge.’

‘Sins of a father make your life ten times harder’

That’s my B**** This song is so catchy, it is already stuck in my head.

‘I’ve been waiting for a long, long time / Just to get off and throw my hands up high / And live my life, and live my life / Just to get off and throw my hands up high.’

I am really feeling the Swizz Beats produced, Welcome to the jungle. Love how Jigga and Ye spit, though I feel like the song is too short.

Who gon stop me is track number 9, which has additional vocals by Mr Hudson, Verse Simmonds and Swizz Beats. I really dig the instrumentals on this track.

Murder To Excellence which as Jay-Z says is a celebration of black excellence. The song talks about violence against black people and encourages blacks to reach the levels of O (whom I assume is Oprah) and Will smith.

‘Praise the Lord / You the girl that Jesus had been saving me for / So let’s savor this moment / And take it to the floor / Black excellence.’

Kanye is at it again with his cockiness on Made in America with Frank Ocean featured yet again on the hook.

‘Ni**as hustle every day for a beat from Ye / What I do? Turn around gave them beats to Jay / And I’m rappin’ on the beat they was supposed to buy / I guess I’m getting high off my own supply .’

Why I Love you featuring Mr Hudson has a rock feel to it, and Jay-Z totally kills it! If people take/took you for granted this song is definitely for you. I especially like the dialog Hov and Ye have going towards the end of the song.

Watch the Throne, I must say I was not really anticipating it, maybe that is why I am really feeling it. Kanye West has produced majority of the songs on this album, James Brown seems to have been an influence as they sampled a couple of his songs.

If I was to award this album stars, Id give it 3 stars out of 5.



Thank God It’s Friday!!!!

Who does not love the fact that the week is over?

I am excited about

KFC opening soon, I finally confirmed it. Yes, food is the only exciting thing right now. Otherwise I am taking whatever life throws at me.

Today I am Feeling

a whole lot of emotions. I was upset when I left the house, then I became easy, now I am just there…

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

I have heard a lot about this song and I finally got to hear it this morning. It is pretty cool, I especially love that slap he is given at the end of the video ti hi hi.

This Weekend I

have a family gathering, plus I must grow a pair to face some people I do not feel like seeing to be honest, but anyhoo like I always say, awkward moments always pass… meh *kanye shrug*

I am really craving


I wish

people would be considerate of others. I keep learning day by day, that people do not give a damn how I feel, even though I am always aware of how my actions would make them feel. I re-iterate, it is not worth it being nice, nice people finish last!

I hope

I can let go of everything that’s happened and just live my life like it is golden.

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is

Have A Fantastic Friday!!!!