
Thank God It’s Friday!!!!


I am excited about

sleeping in tomorrow, I am back to always being sleepy 247 thanks to the ungodly hours I have to wake up -_-

Today I Am Feeling

kinda sad, my friends leaving tonight, my cousin and her family are leaving tomorrow, this is the suckiest part of January, when the summer bunnies leave.

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

Swedish House Mafia made sure they go out with a bang by releasing this joint! It is such an amazing song, the positive message is reassuring, the beat is up tempo and exciting. I said this before, if you did not usher in 2013 using this song, you did it wrong!

ย  This Weekend I

have nothing planned, I will just chill out, finish my Friends marathon, I am on season 5 now, and it never gets old.

I am really craving

fruit juice, so much so, I had to stop at a petrol station to get myself a juice box!

I wish

my things didnt choose this month to get spoilt, from my car speakers, to my blackberry, and now my watch sigh ๐Ÿ˜ฆ Fixing them will be such a process.

I hope

things get better, I am tired of always getting disappointed. Why can’t I be those people who have all the luck?

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is


Have A Fantastic Friday!!!

Page 3 of 365

Its day 3 of 2013, and so far there’s nothing really special about this year.
People have been feeling extra Oprahish, being all philosophical and shit, wake me up when it all ends.
It would have been ideal if the new year came with new things, but so far things feel the same if not worse.
Like I said, I don’t do new years resolutions, but if there is one thing I need to work on, it’s myself.
I don’t want a pity party so I will not go into the details of why I felt compelled to write this down.
Anyhoosmu it may be late, but nonetheless happy 2013, hope this year will be promising for all of us.

2012, the year that was…

The best part about having a blog is that I have somewhere to refer to when I am doing lame things like reviewing my year at the end of every year :p

I do not usually set new years resolutions or have any expectations for this year, which is good because i am sure if i did I would just have been disappointed, because that’s just how things usually work out *kanye shrug*.

The year started out with the usual summer bunny confusion, I had fun with him, though the last few days didnt turn out like i had envisioned, he is coming next month, we will see if anything will go down..

I had like 3 days of birthday celebrations, I loved every bit of it ๐Ÿ™‚ I am already conjuring ideas of what to do next month , despite growing older, I am excited about it. If you are my friend, let me tell you early so that you guys can start saving up, I want a Michael Korrs watch, i blame tumblr for such cravings.


i want!!
i want!!
i accept knock offs too :)
i accept knock offs too ๐Ÿ™‚

As I grow older, I have come to love lent, I think that is the only time of the year I am the purest lol if that makes any sense. Word is that Lent in 2013 begins on Valentines day \o/, I never have a valentine so this wont be an issue for me lol.

If there was one thing I noticed about 2012 was the loss of so many young lives, be it through accidents, sickness or suicide. The world is not our home, but it sucks that some people had to leave so soon.

I joined a gym this year for the first time in my life, I think I started from March till June. I loved it, I am generally a lazy bum but I had fun, my trainer rocked, I met some cool people too in the process. The changing room was traumatising though, and I cannot say I saw significant changes in my body. I stopped because it got too expensive, but I am still scouting for a cheaper one for next year.

Work wise this year was quite the stressful one I must admit. It was really challenging, and so hard. There were so many times I wanted to say ‘To hell with this ish’ but I soldiered on, and all my diligence paid off. I found myself in the ‘area’ I have been trying to run away from, new job role, and so far I like it, every day is a new learning experience.

I experienced a lot of disappointments in 2012 in various arenas, and said experiences have made me lose faith in a lot of things,and people. Hopefully by next year this will all just be a bad memory and I will not be afraid to raise my hopes up when it comes to those arenas.

I do feel that people do not always extend the same courtesy that I do to them, I won’t lie, sometimes I wonder what is the point. But I have decided I will notย changeย certain traits about me that are intrinsic. I will simply just be me..

I have stumbled upon this postย just now, I had to stop and chuckle at how my description of myself hit the nail on the head:

‘I am the proverbial single girl, with very little relationship experience, loose lips but good morals’

Sadly I still have not found what I was looking for in that post, 2013 best deliver ๐Ÿ™‚

I have no idea what I did for Easter, which goes to show how memorable it wasn’t lol, but I remember being too busy to make any grand plans. Hopefully next year will be better.

This year I got a whole lot serious with my side hustle, and it has been fun so far, I have met so many people and learnt so much. Some people may think that this whole thing will not take me anywhere, but who said it is about the destination? I have no idea where I am going with this, I just revel in the joy and pride that this venture gives me. Anyone who does not understand that, does not understand me!

Being an avid kwaito fan, Dj Cleo’s concert was definitely one of my highlights this year!! I had so much fun, if he was to come back to Kenya I would see him again.

My family experienced a great loss this year, materially, but it still was a significant hit. One of the biggest lessons I learnt, which I need to keep reminding myself is to not value material things. You can loose them in a flash. My family is pretty strong, and brave, and God never forgets his people..

I did not go for Safari Sevens this year, because earth dance, which was beyond awesome ๐Ÿ™‚ But next year I hope these organisers find their own weekends to do these things ย and not make us have to choose.

I also attended concours for the first time, it was fun, but I think next time I will go with girls who do not give a damn about cars ๐Ÿ™‚

I was priviledged enough to go on a mini holiday in October, and it was beyond awesome!! I need more holidays in my life, prepping for one end of this week, and next year I must go abroad. Have you noticed people only use Facebook Places when they are abroad? Mscheuww talk about feelishaing people, I must do that soonest too :p

The year has ended with so many people I love coming home for Christmas, and it has been a blast having them around.

We survived the ‘apocalypse’ ย let us all continue drinking to that!

Some of you may have noticed I did not do 12 guest posts for Christmas, I do not know if I ever will again, I do not feel like scouting for people and begging them to meet my deadlines for this post. But, if you ever want to do a guest post on Revealed, feel free to hit me up, I will gladly host you here ๐Ÿ™‚

This is technically the last week of 2012, and now that I have taken this time to review my year, I can definitely say I have had better years than this, but I have definitely learnt a lot from my mistakes and experiences.

I pray for a better year ahead, more joy, laughter and happiness, plenty of God’s blessings.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog, hopefully next year I will be a more diligent blogger, you guys rock, never forget that.



From the bottom of my heart,




asta la vista baby :-*


My mood = my muse

A lot has happened the past several weeks that I had been dying to blog about, but somehow life just got in the way, and the emotions passed, and somehow I end up forgetting whatever profound thoughts I had planned on writing down.

Once the feelings fade away, the fire to write dies down too. Let’s see if I can conger up enough words to come up with a post for you today.

This is how I imagine subzone sandwiches are made :)
This is how I imagine subzone sandwiches are made ๐Ÿ™‚

Now I get men’s obsession with women who can make sandwiches ๐Ÿ™‚

So of late I keep having run ins with people from my past, it’s been intense and overwhelming and tempting. But I have always maintained that the past should be left behind, and move on to brighter and better things.


Some wounds haveย healed, others are just on the verge of healing completely, but if they are messed around with they can definitely bleed again, which is something I am trying to avoid.

But then again, life gets boring being alone, especially when society has made it weird for loners like me to enjoy being alone. I know society doesn’t do it intentionally, I am just the unlucky human who is alone at the moment.


I saw this today and it gave me so much food for thought. Apart from asking God ‘Why oh why am i single? ‘ lol I have sought more face time with him of late than normal. Which is sad because I should be talking to him during all seasons and experiences. Hopefully 2013 I will make that happen more often.



By now you should rest your suspicions, I am blogging about how much it sucks being single during the holidays. ย So now that I have been having a lot of time to wallow around in the miasma of my forever aloneness, I realised that I could be part of the problem.

I thought about the many men who I met, and sort of had a flirtationship going on with, but nothing ever solidified so we just remained as friends somehow but not quite. Then the next thing I know, dude is dating someone else, and I’m like



Anyhoosmu, it is after all, their loss.


I am thinking ย of making this for Christmass. You hollow out the apples, sprinkle cinammon and sugar and bake them a bit, then fill them with icecream, easy peasy. You guys should try it ๐Ÿ™‚

So summer bunny didnt make it for Christmas this year, it has been an awesome, confusion free December. I do miss the plans we used to have though, let us wait for all this nonsense to go down in January. He better not ruin my birthday week again!

The world is supposedly ending tomorrow, at least I will leave a piece of me in this world through this blog. ย It also gave me the courage to put my face out there, I have learnt of a new term that I am very wary of >> RCSA. I hope those folders disintegrate tonight lol It is almost midnight in Australia, and it is already tomorrow in New Zealand, and the universe is still standing, maybe the Mayans ran out of paper to continue with their calendar?





Thank God It’s Friday!!!

It's Friday!!! I am in a Tuesday state of mind
It’s Friday!!! I am in a Tuesday state of mind

I am excited about


Today I Am Feeling

That is all!!
That is all!!

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

Princess of China - Coldplay ft Rihanna
Princess of China – Coldplay ft Rihanna

This Weekend I

am so not drinking
am so not drinking

I am really craving

i skipped this section last week smh
i skipped this section last week smh

I wish

I had an eyelash curler, today one lash curled inwards and irritated me all day hmmph
I had an eyelash curler, today one lash curled inwards and irritated me all day hmmph

I hope


Today’s Inspirational Quote Is


Have A Funtastic Friday ๐Ÿ™‚



Thank God It’s Friday!!!!



I am excited about


my cousins graduating ๐Ÿ™‚ Toast to her!!

Today I Am Feeling


confused, so much going on that I do not have control of. Maybe in one case I do have control, anyway its just weird and hopefully I will figure out the best way forward.

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

This was one of myย favouriteย JayZ ย joints, where will we find us men to buy as cars for every day of the week? I hate B ;p

This Weekend I


will be cruising in some quarry somewhere off Nairobi ๐Ÿ™‚

I wish

one day I will be fortunate enough to meet this awesome man!!


I hope

I get to experience their kinda love ๐Ÿ™‚


Today’s Inspirational Quote Is


Happy Birth Week Jigga Man ๐Ÿ™‚



1st of the month



okay i know its the 3rd, but ya’ll know the gist of this post.

Helloooooooooooo jweezember ๐Ÿ™‚

November Highlights

My cousin and one of my closest friends came home for Christmas ๐Ÿ™‚ I love having them around, and getting prezzies of course made it even more exciting ๐Ÿ™‚
Took my friend for a spa pedicure at The Tribe, my feet have never felt so much loveย ๐Ÿ™‚

Naivasha Fashion Weekend was a fun day out in Naivasha, my cousin drove us to Enashipai Resort (thanks a bunch for that) ๐Ÿ™‚ The set up was amazing, the organisers did an amazing job. I had a stand, I sold some stuff, and got to meet and interact with different people. The fashion on display there was something else, the fashionistas really outdid themselves. Here’s a slideshow of the stuff that was showcased on the runway, with the likes of Kazuri, Angel Smile, Moo Cow and I forget the rest…


I attended the Mingle, simply because I got a free ticket lol and I was only there for 2 hours but I had a ball. The optical nutrition weleleh, but i still will not agree to pay money for this gig since almost everyone goes there for free.

I had a lot of fun, party and all that ish, yeah because I am young and right now I am about that life *Kanye Shrug*

November Downsides

My uncle passed away, the funeral was so sad. Nothing sucks more than watching someone you love being buried underneath the dirt. So many other people lost lives this month too, which is never easy.

Lots of hearts were broken this month sadly, I hate seeing my friends get hurt, but I will definitely be there to help them pick up the pieces ๐Ÿ™‚

I found out how 2 faced people can be, I still cannot get over that.

Some revelations by someone have sent me reeling, its overwhelming, and confusing and I pray things get clearer and I do the right thing.

November Discoveries

Trust no one. Maybe I do need to put a handle on some of the people that I open up to.

So many people mistake my kindness for weakness, that’s that ish I do not like.

Never forget the past. I need to keep singing this song to prevent me from going back to things which were not necessarily 100% good.

Idleness and boredom is a bad thing.

Money cannot buy you happiness….. or me.

What I Look Forward To In December

More summer bunnies, my cousin and her family ๐Ÿ™‚ Cannot wait to meet my niece ๐Ÿ™‚

Christmas, my favourite time of the year!

Mark you calendars for this:


How was November for you? What do you look forward to in December?


Thank God It’s Friday!!!!

and Thank God for 3 day weeks!! In my mind it is Wednesday!

I am excited about


Today I Am Feeling

sad and confused at first. I found out Michael, the Manager at Java KMA passed away from a road accident this past weekend. I first met him at Java Junction where he waited tables, then he was moved to Galleria, where he was promoted to Manager, then he was posted to Java KMA. He was that dark, slim, smiley guy, who always checked on customers and made sure you were okay. sigh, may he rest in paradise.

Hearing about his death just made me wonder, we work so hard to achieve something, but once you get there, it can cruelly be snatched away from you at a whim? What is the point?

Rest in Paradise Michael.

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

I was not really into this song at first because it sounded like the Afrojack Shermanology song, but it sorta grew on me.

ย  This Weekend I

will usher in drinkcember with colour and pomp ๐Ÿ˜‰ I love December!

I wish

money grew on trees :p

I hope

it doesnt rain this weekend, Amen!

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is

Lindsay & Austin // Engaged

Have ย A Fantastic Friday!!!


Thank God It’s Friday!!!!

i did not fancy this week much, sooo glad it’s over!!!

I am excited about

Seeing you again J I heart summer bunnies, now 1 more to go in Dec and 2012 will end in style.

Today I Am Feeling

Amped and motivated.

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

This song is hot! And it will not leave my system!

This Weekend I

Will be headed upcountry, country air, I have a feeling it is all overrated, and I am already dreading the toilet situations smh. I miss Nairobi already.

I am really craving

double sided tape from hereย feel free to buy it for me ๐Ÿ˜‰

I wish

so many people did not die this week ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

I hope

shagz will not be as bad as I expect..

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is

Have A Fab Friday!!!