My heart’s desires

I really want to expand my world view, seek new experiences and adventures, have more fun and meet new people.

Is anyone really satisfied with the life that they have now? My life is not too shabby, I never shy away from having fun, I work hard, I have great family and friends, but I still want to experience more, to posses more things because deep down we are material beings.

I want to take control of my happiness, and so far I have been very successful, and I want to continue with the same progress.

Keeping in line with all the adrenaline inducing things I have been doing of late, today I was wondering what other cool thing I can do that is out of the norm. My first thought was I want to hug a lion, but I could not think of where I could go to do that. Then i remembered that Kirsten Bell had visited Kenya and kissed a giraffe, and I knew I must do that!

That giraffe has skills huh? 😉 I must get a nice big wet one this Saturday!! Kissing men is so overrated, unless it is to pass on the giraffe cooties :p

I need a camera, a nice, big, snazzy  one like a Canon or a Nikon which take excellent pictures.


I really need a new watch, the one that I have which was gifted is too tiny, I can never read the time especially at night. I just wear it daily because my hand is so used to having it there. I want a big watch, with thick straps and a gorgeous face, like this one.


My feet are in desperate need of a pedicure!!! I need to find time to go treat myself one of these weekends.

After Earth Dance, I want harem pants made from kangas lesos so many people had them, and they looked so cool. Peep these one’s Camp Mulla were rocking that day.

Camp Mullah at Earth Dance


I want to travel and see the world. Can you imagine I have only flown once in my entire life. In 2002 went to London for the weekend, it was my mother’s graduation. It was exciting and fun and I am dying to do it again.

I want to explore my own country, there are soo many places I have not been to, even here in Nairobi. I would like to picnic at Karura Forest, from the looks of Kurly Kichana and Nancie Mwai’s posts it looks like a beautiful place.

I want to go paint balling as well, I have not done it yet, even if my friend owns a paint balling place smh. That is on my to do list like soonest!

There is something I am praying very very hard for and I am hoping it comes through because it will literally transform my life in ways that I cannot imagine. I am so afraid of wanting it too bad that I may not get it, because that is how warped my mind it. But I really really pray it comes through.

I also want to go ice skating, which I am planning on doing next weekend with a friend who I know is reading this 🙂
I must go to a casino, I keep saying this and never doing! I can only go wit someone who will be strong enough to drag me away from the slot machines. I can never touch poker, or black jack. I suck at card games, hence why I broke my 15 year run of not throwing up the 1st day of 2011 smh.
There is a lot that I want to do, I will try my best to fulfill all of my hearts desires.


Thank God It’s Friday!!!!

It’s cold and gloomy, but hey, the week is over so yaaaaay 🙂

I am excited about

my shopping trip tomorrow 🙂

Today I am Feeling

still sick, tummy ache day 4 😦 yes, i know what you will say, go to hospital, maybe I will soon…

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

I loved this song the minute I heard it!! Such a cool song!

This Weekend I

will catch up with a friend of mine that I haven’t seen in so long.

I am really craving

I wish

I had a distraction.

I hope

I will find what I am looking for tomorrow, really crossing my fingers I find great stuff.

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is

Have A Fabulous Friday!!!!!



I have a prayer journal which I started from 2009 during my Mizizi classes. I try my best to write in it everyday, though not much on weekends because I get distracted and forget. I find it is a good way to truly focus on my communication with God, and really think about what it is that I am praying for. The bad part about it is, I have a record of all the things I prayed for that went unanswered. There was something I prayed for every single day since for like 3 months. I am really trying to rationalize why those prayers went unanswered, or maybe luck of an answer was the answer I needed? I do not know. For now I will not let it discourage me from keeping on praying.




I wrote this yesterday, and today I came across this:

The most significant outcome of prayer is not to get answers to our problems, but to experience God.

and this:

Romans 8:26-27 ‘And the holy spirit helps us in our distress. For we do not even know what we should pray for, nor how we should pray. But the holy spirit prays for us with groanings  that cannot be expressed in words. And the father who knows all hearts knows what the spirit is saying, for the spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God’s own will.’

Philippians 4:6-7 ‘Do not be anxious about anything but in everything, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God and the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Jesus Christ.’

So now when I pray I will try and experience God, even though to be honest I do not fully understand how that will happen, but I will be very alert and see if I can feel his presence.

There are also so many people to pray for, so as you read this, just know I am remembering you in my prayers.




In other news, I am feeling melancholic today for no apparent reason, I blame it on being a girl even if it is not even that time of the month. Here is to a brighter hump day.

Candy and Kisses,



The weekend that was.

I partied a bit too heavily this weekend, but I had such a blast! I was meant to write this post yesterday but I was suffering too much and I never got a chance to do it.

Earth Dance was spigging fabulous!!!

That is how packed it was, the atmosphere was electric and of course everyone went all out like every 6 AM gig. I had so much fun though I never managed to make it till the end. I got home at 7am and I was too tired and cold to go on.

I saw some people drinking cough syrup like it is alcohol, that was definitely the funniest thing I saw that day.

Sunday night I was out and about again and I was prepared for all the awkward moments that eventually occurred like I anticipated.

There is this guy who keeps sending me friend requests on Facebook and I do not know who he is even if I see him a lot whenever I go out.  Every time I run into him I get freaked out and I avoid him like the plague because I do not understand why he keeps adding me even if he will not talk to me in real life. As per yesterday he rescinded his friend request, who knew that was possible?

Then some creepy dude hit on me with the worst possible lines ever! I went to my table and he just came, leaning in, encroaching on my personal space, declaring how he was going to kiss me. As in really?!
He was not awful to look at, but seriously, who does that?!
I asked him how he can just walk up to me and demand a kiss, and his response was that he is a rapist just released from prison -_-
I had to ask if he honestly thought such dumb lines would work on a girl like me. Apparently he claimed he used that line with great success the previous day, to which I responded, not every day is christmass, you can only get so lucky.
He subconsciously licked his lips, which creeped me out even more lol and I told him to stop licking his lips because it was never gonna happen!
He totally denied licking his lips (rolling my eyes) and he proceeded to suggest that we just do it, who needs all that stuff for going out, and dates. With that I took off quick fast! Some men really need prayers for real!
This weekend I realised how complete strangers are better friends than people who I have known for longer. I guess that comes with the territory post break ups *kanye shrug*.
I also realised that everyone is going through different situations, some may be doing what someone else is putting you through…
In other news, a dude I know has really become hot all of a sudden, as in he is quite something *slurp* :p
Did I mention that I was the bigger person this weekend?! Yes, I came to terms with the fact that God blessed me with a good heart without malice, vengeance or ill will. I am truly blessed with a pure heart, and there is no point loosing that to people who do not know any better. So even though people may do some dumb hurtful things, I can never do the same to them.
Anyhoosmu, my weekend was epic, got to kick it with some amazing people! Definitely a great way to kick start September!

Emancipation of me

This song best describes my Sunday night, a bit awkward but I lived through it and still managed to have a great time.

It is hard knowing that someone you were with has already moved on to the next one, it is especially difficult when it’s thrown in your face a whole lot. That is the only thing that has been holding me back from completely moving on.

Today I put an end to all that toxicity, and I am forever putting all this behind me.


Love without fear. Trust without question. Need without demand. Want without restriction, and Desire without inhibition.

Hopefully someday soon I will be able to do all that again.  Love so far has never taught me anything good, it just leaves me emotionally scarred, very afraid and back to my original sentiment, that it doesn’t exist, or that maybe I am not worthy of it……
Now I get what Jarule meant by Pain is Love. I honestly want nothing to do with this emotion.
This song rocks and I thought it’s best to end this post with it.





Thank God It’s Friday!!!

It’s Friday! It’s Friday! Gotta get down on Friday!

I am excited about


EarthDance this weekend!!!!! This is a picture from Sundance last year in Diani and it was awesome!!!! I do not have pics from last years Earthdance, dang I really need a new camera, or a phone with a flash!

Today I Am Feeling

excited, pretty, happy 🙂

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

I heart Stromae \o/

This Weekend I

am gonna party like it’s running outta style. *puts on dancing shoes*.

I am really craving

A popsicle, it’s been too long!

I wish

I could call people out when they are being idiots or when they do bad things.

I hope

the sun comes out all day every day 🙂

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is

Have A Fun Filled Friday!!!!!

1st of the month
Glittery texts by

It is a brand spanking new month, hip hop hooray 🙂

I really like this song, are we not all searching for that elusive pot of gold?

Chris Brown seems to be the golden boy for hooks nowadays, and he is doing such a great job.

August Highlights

I must admit I had a spectacular month, totally redeemed myself from the melancholiness of July.

The first weekend was just about loosing the plan, partied back to back, which was something I had not done in a while.

We went for blankets and wine where we were the full TID groupies :p

Finally got to indulge in some KFC, yes it was soo good I had to blog about it! Though I discovered the larger meals are way better than 1 piecer, 2 piecer meals, us guys bought the 12 piecer and the chicken was humongous!

I think the best term for this month was Adrenaline August, there was too much physical activities going down.

I went for a 10km bike ride, white water rafting and quad biking which were all such amazing and fun experiences.

My driving has drastically improved and my vehicular phobia is almost gone.

I am in the process of reviving something that I really love, and I really hope I can remain serious about it.

August Downsides

My body has taken a beating, it is not  used to so much activity :p But the pain is almost over.

Punctures! That is my biggest phobia now. The car got 4 punctures this month! Yes, we are looking into purchasing new tires :p

There has been a bit of drama, but all in all, this was a terrific month, all I remember is the good.

August Discoveries

The universe keeps showing me how selfish people are, people keep doing things without considering how it affects others, specifically me :p

I am not saying I will be bad or selfish, I am just saying if they insist on doing things without considering how they affect others, why should I give a hoot about how they feel?

I still get freaked out by speed, but I think I have really made good progress.

Say what you feel and speak out.

What I look forward to in September

Earth Dance \o/

To continue living my life like it is golden.


How was August for you? What do you look forward to this month?

kisses and cookies,

This must be a sign!

This may be classified as drunk blogging, though I am not drunk, despite the fact that that was today’s mission!
Today was surreal to say the least, it totally did not seem like it would end this way.
I feel like I drank tequilla which is not the case at all.
So yet again I have come to realise just how selfish people can be, and i honestly believe they do not deserve any of my goodness! You get back what you put out! If you hurt me intentionally, I will not necessarily retaliate, but I will think twice before doing nice things for you!
Shucks I just fell asleep for a minute there, you cannot blame me because it’s almost 5 am!
Anyway during the last couple of months I learnt that some people have misconstrued perceptions of who you are as a person, so they try to change you to get to fit that preconceived notion that they had.
Well this never works and nothing good comes of it.
Good riddance to bad garbage!

Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.

Quad biking in Lukenya

Early Saturday morning, I picked up my cousin and drove down to Lukenya which is at the outskirts of Nairobi, in Athi River. I hope you did not miss that part, where I said I drove to Lukenya! That is the furthest I have driven so far, it was fun, a bit confusing because of the road construction and kinda scary, but my cousin being there put me at ease, because he is very good at all things vehicular.

We were headed for Lukenya Motorcross for an hour of quad biking in the Lukenya hills. An hour of quad biking costs Kshs 2000 and Kshs 6000 for 5 hours. The place has about 5 quad bikes, or should I say those are the ones that we saw there. We were scheduled to bike at 11:00 am but we found a group of kids just starting so we had to wait for noon to go on the bikes, so we chilled by the pool.

Yes, the weather looked very ominous, but it worked in our favor because it did not rain, and we never did the course under the scorching sun. We got suited up in jumpsuits after we saw how dusty those kids who had ridden in the previous hour came back looking, and us guys had a party to attend in the evening so we could not afford to get too dirty. They have jumpsuits, riding jackets, riding boots and helmets for the riders.

So we got a briefing from the instructor on how to use the quad bikes.

This is a typical quad bike, a mini car with handle bars. It practically functions like a car, it is fueled with petrol. It has an ignition key between the bottom of the handle bars which you switch on. The bike has gears and you have to step on the lever clutch to switch gears from front, neutral to reverse.

The handle bars have gears just like mountain bikes, but we never touched them since the bikes were already set. The left handle bar has the ‘on button’ which you press after switching the bike on. To accelerate, there is a switch you press down on, on the right handle bar, it sort of looks like the switch for switching gears on a mountain bike. The brakes are just like for regular bikes, the left break for the back tires and the right one for the front tires.

We went for a practice run for about 5 minutes. I am not a fan of speed as you may all know so the whole time I was just winging it and screaming :p.

So we set of with the instructor in front of us on his motorbike, with me behind him and my cousin on my tail since it seemed like I was not so good at it and if I was last they were afraid they would leave me behind.

At first I kept veering off the track and into ditches before I got a handle on the bike. My thumb got so tired of accelerating, but otherwise it was quite a ride. We drove off into the hills, past a group of giraffes, and zebras, such a beautiful sight to behold.

The giraffes

We could not get too close to the animals so as not to scare them off or agitate them.

We also drove into a quarry like place, which I hated because I kept driving into dunes and getting stuck. I freaked out a lot because I felt like my bike was going to topple over so I kept putting my foot on the ground. The instructor warned me against doing that, you should never put your foot on the ground. I kept driving over shrubbery and once I was so sure my bike would flip and I would get thrown off.

The 1 hour ride felt like 2 hours, we drove up to the main road on the highway, and back into the terrain. It was an awesome experience, even for me who is terrified of speed. My cousin loved it and he vowed to try go there at least once a month.

If you like speed, adventure, adrenaline, quad biking is definitely worth trying out. Get all the information from Lukenya MotorCross.

The one without a title

Today I have accepted the fact that despite how much people can be inconsiderate, I cannot stoop to their level.
I will not do things knowing they may affect you negatively, that is just who I am.
Moving on swiftly, I need to know what it is that I want in my life, in my career, in man.
It is time to test that theory, of attracting what it is that I want in my life and see if it actually works. To be honest I am usually afraid of wanting things, because I rarely get what I want. Let us see if that will change.
I need something to be excited about, something to care for, something to look forward to.
There’s nothing I am passionate about, and I think that needs to change.
In other news, I am ending my man fast this Ramadhan. It was not even a fast really because you would first have to have something to refrain from right?
Well, I had nothing, or should I say no one. I just needed a time out, to heal, to forget, to grow, but none of them worked completely.
Sometimes I wish I was a serial dater, you know, those people who rarely stay single for more than a month. It is kinda weird that such people can never be alone, but you must give it up to them for always being able to draw people into their lives.
I like to refer to myself as a proverbial single girl, a serial single person. I am accustomed to being alone, sometimes I even like it, but my equilibrium is thrown off balance every time someone comes into my life, and leaves.
So here I am, not sure if I want to remain alone, the safest option. Or to be with someone, who will eventually leave and I will be right back where I am, here…
I have really digressed, in a nut shell, breaking my fast means I will embrace whatever/ whoever the world throws at me. I will try not to run away, avoid or evade.
Why am I blogging about this??!!!

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