April Photo-A-Day Challenge

I stumbled upon these photo challenges on the net today which I thought would be interesting to do on wordpress, tumblr, facebook, twitter and BBM.

Day 01 – A picture of yourself with fifteen facts.

Day 02 – A picture of you and the person you used to be close with.

Day 03 – A picture of the cast from your favorite show.

Day 04 – A picture of something you wish you could forget.

Day 05 – A picture of your favorite memory.

Day 06 – A picture of a person you’d love to trade places with for a day.

Day 07 – A picture of your most treasured item.

Day 08 – A picture that makes you laugh.

Day 09 – A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most.

Day 10 – A picture of the person you do the silliest things with.

Day 11 – A picture of something you hate.

Day 12 – A picture of something you love.

Day 13 – A picture of your favorite band or artist.

Day 14 – A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without.

Day 15 – A picture of something you want to do before you die.

Day 16 – A picture of someone who inspires you.

Day 17 – A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently.

Day 18 – A picture of your biggest insecurity.

Day 19 – A picture of you when you were little.

Day 20 – A picture of somewhere you’d love to travel.

Day 21 – A picture of your favorite night .

Day 22 – A picture of something you wish you were better at.

Day 23 – A picture of your favorite book.

Day 24 – A picture of something you wish you could change.

Day 25 – A picture of your favorite day.

Day 26 – A picture of something that means a lot to you.

Day 27 – A picture of yourself and a family member.

Day 28 – A picture of something you’re afraid of.

Day 29 – A picture that can always make you smile.

Day 30 – A picture of someone you miss.

(Source: facebook.com)




Are you up for the challenge??

1st of the month

We have kicked off the brand new month of April with showers of blessings from God, this year has been pretty hot in Nairobi, so the rain is being welcomed by most.

March Highlights

Nairobi Fashion Market was definitely a highlight, got so much great stuff from there.

I started going to the gym, about 4 times a week. It is definitely a great way to get rid of stress, and keep fit, sometimes it is stuff, but I pride myself in finishing what I start. I have gotten used to the pain, and I hope I can maintain this regiment.

I finally got the phone I have been dreaming about 🙂

I met a friend of mine who I had not seen in years, she got saved, but she isn’t those people who shove it down your throats. She told me something which really helped me because it was something I have always wondered about. She told me to pray for God to show me what his purpose for me is, since I have no clue what it is. I have been praying ever since, and I hope he will show me the way soon enough.

I went for a party in the park this past Saturday, driving through the park was so cool yet scary because we passed so many animals on the road like giraffes, buffaloes, I was so scared they would attack. But we had a great bbq and it was nice kicking it with my friends.

My friend gave birth this weekend!! It was a natural birth, she is like my new hero!

March Downsides

I have been disappointed by so many people this month sigh, maybe that’s why the highlights are not so many..

Some of my girls are going through heartbreak right now, I cannot imagine going through all that again, worst feeling ever!

My workload has really increased this month, I pray that I will be diligent enough to withstand this..

March Discoveries

It is hard to stay away from things read as men who are totally bad for you.

Being over considerate takes you nowhere.

Be careful who you trust.

Once bitten, twice shy.

What I look Forward to In April

Easter weekend!! I have nothing grand planned, but I do look forward to doing a lot of nothing and hopefully having some fun in the process.

How was your month of March? What do you look forward to in April?




Happy birthday to one of my closest and dearest friends, wish I could be there to celebrate with you 😦


Happy April,


Thank God It’s Friday!!!!

This morning is hectic -_- but I am stoked the week is finally over!

I am excited about

the weekend, and Easter is just around the corner \o/

Today I Am Feeling

antsy and anxious about various things, hopefully that feeling will go away in an hour or two once I get the stuff done.

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

Common and Alicia make such a hot couple me thinks.

This Weekend I

will do the same thing i do every weekend, kick it 🙂

I am really craving

This Dress


I wish

I had some excitement in my life, so bored *yawn*

I hope

they choose me (Fingers crossed and glued together).

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is

One of my favorite verses..

Have A Fabulous Friday!!!!


Growing pains

March is almost over and already 2012 has been one hell of a year.

Maybe it is the effects of growing up, or maybe these are the lessons life wanted me to learn.

Is it me who has changed or the world is changing and now is when I am taking notice?

I have questioned so many things, which I should not be questioning.

Do you really value our friendship?

Who is your allegiance to?

Is this the type of person you truly are?

Why am I judging others when I myself am no angel?

Don’t people have a sense of common courtesy anymore?

Am I over considerate? or don’t other people know how to be considerate?

What do you want from me?

Is all this worth it?

And many more questions keep running through my mind as time goes by and I encounter various situations, hopefully in time I will get them answered or just learn to ignore them.

Maybe I need Scotts Emulsion to help me to grow :p

I need something serendipitious (I totally made that up, stand down grammar nazis) in my life. But instead of waiting for something good, I will make that good ish happen for myself 🙂





Thank God It’s Friday!!!

I did some other bike exercises yesterday, my body is in pain -_-

I am excited about

Tomorrow 🙂

Today I Am Feeling

wishy washy. My plans were disorganized in the morning which has confused my entire day. Hopefully things will look up..

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

Today morning I discovered a Jason Derulo song that I can actually stand which was shocking. I like how the instrumentals have a touch of oriental, reminds me of the old Jay Sean before he became boring and commercial.

This Weekend I

hope I will have a blast.

I am really craving

nothing it seems…

I wish

I was not a lazy bum :p but i am now very focused on getting my hobby back on track 🙂

I hope

I get this, because I cannot explain how bad I want this particular thing. I am even afraid to hope because I will be thoroughly disappointed. So join me in whispering many prayers seeking God’s favor.

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is

‘Change not the mass, but change the fabric of your own soul and your own visions, and you change all.’

Have A Fantastic Friday!!!

Kisses and cookies,

Me and Mr Wrong get along so good…

I am not really a fan of Mary J Blige, but this is one of her best records in my opinion, simply because so many of us, both men and women can relate to this song. It was written by critically acclaimed producer and song writer Rico Love, who had this to say about the record:

It is an extremely soulful song that expresses the true level of love that a woman can have for a man who is simply no good for her. I wrote it because in many ways I am Mr Wrong.

I know for sure if you are a girl reading this, you are busy yearning for a man who is so not good for you in one way or another.

Meanwhile whilst you are wasting your time chasing after the punks, chances are there is a good guy somewhere dying to get your attention.

I still think nice guys are overrated, they are just bad boys who have not been discovered  (Speaking from experience). I do believe that there are honest good guys out there, but maybe they need to revamp their techniques because most of them are tres boring.

Maybe us women are genetically made not to respond to people who actually are there for you and show you they care, and instead waste time and energy chasing after men who do not call, who just want one thing and vamoos once they get it.

I have had my long string of Mr Wrongs, some are exciting but totally dangerous and wrong for me, others are unavailable but they still think they can waste my time. Why is it that they are the ones with bodies to die for, interesting conversation and fun kinda guys? Notice I did not say hot, I do not know what is going on, but let us just say I got over my superficialness.

I do not even have a Mr Right to settle for or give a chance. But I am glad I have reached a place where I am wise enough to be happy where I am, without Mr Right or Wrong.

I love someecards!!!!

But maybe I should put it out there, that I will give a chance to whoever ‘believe’s’ they are Mr Right 🙂 Or I can have fun with the Mr Wrongs? Only boredom would make me take that route. Now to find ways to entertain myself…



In other news, the final episode of Shuga is out. I hated on Nick last time, but I must admit he is a prolific actor. I really wish they would have properly concluded the Femi, Dala, Miss B and Leo love square situation. But otherwise, it was a great series, and I really hope there will be Shuga 3.

Shuga: Love, Sex, Money – Episode 6 from mtv staying alive on Vimeo.

Asta la vista babies,


Thank God It’s Friday!!!!!


I am sooo sleepy -_- went out last night, slept like some minutes before 2, then got to work at half past 6 *face palm*.

I am excited about

nothing in particular, I am just hoping nothing but good things are in store for me. I think I may go for a dip today, Nairobi is just too blazing hot!

Today I Am Feeling

disappointed, episode 5 of shuga is out and it was boring *yawn*

Nick Ndeda has always been that skinny? wasup with the man spaghetti top he was rocking? lol And I really wanted to know the fate of Femi, Dala, Leo and Miss Behave.

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

I am really digging Turn up the music the remix by Chris Brown featuring Rihanna.

This Weekend I

need a plan, suggestions?

I am really craving

I want Chinese
I want Chinese

I wish

this whole story would just end! Some unfinished business probably are not meant to be finished, and this case is one of them.

I hope

this weekend rocks.

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is

‘The secret of success in life is to be ready for the opportunity when it comes.’

Have A Fantastic Friday!!!!

Kisses and cookies,


My word I have really missed doing this post!!!

It’s Friday \o/

I am excited about

Nairobi Fashion Market

Today I Am Feeling

still very sore, and not very productive the way I have so much work to do smh.

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

This is a very cool song, and this video, too hot!

This Weekend I

plan on chilling out, I do not really have anything major planned for it.

I am really craving

nothing in particular.

I wish

my body was not in so much pain, then this process would be more enjoyable.

I hope

things get better and that I manage to eliminate all negative thoughts from mind.

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is

RIP George, rest with the angels.

Have A Fantastic Friday!!!

Message received, loud and clear!!

MTV, PEPFAR and UNICEF are the brains behind Shuga which was launched in 2009. It is a drama revolving around young people and the trials and tribulations of their love lives. I loved the first Shuga, I think it was one of the best dramas to ever be filmed in Kenya, with talented actors, excellent filmwork. They showcased the beauty of Nairobi, how much talent we have in terms of the film and music industry. The story line was gripping, the actors were talented and the message was bang on. This was one of the few local shows which did not make me want to barf when couples made out *thumbs up*.

Come 2012 and they did it again in a bigger and better way by releasing Shuga: Love Sex Money which was 6 episodes long. This time they recruited even more talent, engaging storylines, and famous artists like the likes of Avril, 9con, Banky W and Wizkid.

Shuga is not only interesting but the message really hits home. Check out the first 4 episodes below and I guarantee it will change the course of your thinking.

Shuga: Love, Sex, Money – Episode 1 from mtv staying alive on Vimeo.

Shuga: Love, Sex, Money – Episode 2 from mtv staying alive on Vimeo.

Shuga: Love, Sex, Money – Episode 4 from mtv staying alive on Vimeo.

Side bar:

  • How hot is 9con (Femi) and Nick Mutuma (Leo) ? *Fans self*.
  • Skylux never looks that awesome whenever I go there.
  • The wardrobe and makeup is really top notch!
  • There wasn’t any of that over acting common with Kenyan actors.
  • I wish Lupita Nyongo also acted in addition to her directing role.

Be safe and protect yourself,