A quagmire in the making….

Its just hit me that the last tym I was out on a date was in the year 2007!!!! Damn!! Its been a while!! I’m going on one today, and I’m so not prepared. I feel like shit and look like shit too!! But I’m gonna do this regardless.

I hate dates coz I am always a bundle of nerves. In fact I am like the cheapest date ever coz my stomach is usually in knots so I am never able to eat anything. I also hate the part when the paycheck has to be handled. I always feel like I have to chip in, coz I feel guilty if the guy takes care of it. I am just weird like that..

I am excited about it though, but I am trying to reduce so that I do not end up getting disappointed. I am hoping there will not be any weird moments of silence lol.

But I think that will not happen because there were none when I first met the guy. And there’s also the idea of having unexpected embarrassing moments like I accidentally shower on him or anything absurd like that.

Anyway fifteen more minutes and I have to go. The only way I can spruce up how I look is lip gloss ha ha ha how sad is that?!!

I had planned on posting this yesterday, but it brought me many sql errors and what not.

So the date went great! I was not nervous at all which makes me think I have really grown despite the lack of practice. We met at a coffee shop and had our coffee fix accompanied by some great conversation. I am glad to announce that there were no embarrassing moments or weird awkward moments so I had a great time. I did not even feel a thing when he paid the bill (maybe I should be a bit worried about that lol).

I am a very inquisitive person, so I tend to bombard people with questions especially when I am getting to know them or I’m nervous and have no idea what to say. I am starting to think I am some kind of truth serum for men coz I get to learn so much about them when we first meet. I find that very cool because it shows they feel they can be free with me.

Right now I have met two really awesome guys who I both like so far. They are both very interesting, sweet, and hot which is very strange because these things usually do not happen to me so I have no idea what’s going on but I am totally stoked about it.

I am still in the process of getting to know them both, but I am hoping things do not get complicated because I absolutely hate drama and I avoid it any chance I get. Right now I think I’ll just take things one step at a time and try not to get ahead of myself. But why lie I really like having options, and I have never felt more beautiful due to the nice things they always say.

Facebook Vs Twitter

It has just dawned on me that i do not remember when i joined facebook, i think it was maybe around 2006, thats when i finally clicked on the invitations to join.
Having been a very active hi5 user, i was a bit sceptical about it, but as i continued using it, i loved it, and hence the start of a very terrible addiction.
I deleted all my other social networking accounts like myspace, tagged, including hi5, and ever since i have never turned back.
I remember the first time i had about writing on someones ‘wall’ i imagined it was kinda like mspaint or something where u can draw and write stuff for people lol yeah i have a vivid imagination (like when i first heard about brain washing the first image that sprung up in my mind was someone’s head being covered with a cloth and washing powder being poured over them lol)
Anyway i loved facebook at that time, the applications were really cool, wish i could remember their names though. but there was this particular one where you could edit peoples pictures and add mustaches, and bunny ears, or glitters and stars, that was cool.
i remember when fun wall was first introduced, it was a polite application which let u send cool stuff, then all of a sudden it became the new platform to send forwards for people on facebook. some of the things people sent on fun walls was soo crude dayum!!! i actually just removed that application from my profile coz it was soo irritating! thats something i definitely do not miss.
Facebook forever keeps changing and not necessarily for the better. The onslaught of mobile facebook in my opinion was to our detriment, its just feeding this terrible addiction lol
Then there was twitter…
Some of my facebook friends used to comment about twitter on their statuses, and i got a few invitations so early this year i decided to join it.
i did some research and discovered you could get sms alerts about twits and wat not and i thought ‘awesome’. I registered and created my first twitter account. So during the registration process, theres some number you have to send a text to to confirm your mobile number or something of the sort. I texted it twice and it bloody kulad my money!!! Kenya apparently is not one of the lucky countrys that can get sms alerts (or am i just not doing it right?)
Anyway i did not begin twitting till like a month later and i have to say, twitter is NOT USER FRIENDLY!!! I majored in IT, and the first basic rule when developing websites is that they should be user friendly.
What the hell is @, #, RT??? those were my first thoughts. When i join a social networking site, i freaking do not wanna read the help manual!! i just wanna learn how to use it by using it!!
I first thought that the tweets that appeared on someones profile were like their wall and all the @so$so’s were peoples posts, i discovered that twit replies were on a different page all together after like a month of serious twitting!!
The coolest part about twitter is ofcourse the celebrities. I love searching for new celebrities to follow and thats about it!! I hate the fact that these celebrities are always begging to be followed yet they do not have the decency to follow their fans back!
Just the other day i heard about Facebook lite being in the works. Its basically going to be facebook’s version of twitter and im not looking forward to it.
Facebook still remains my first love, my one addiction that i wonder if il ever get tired of.

From Venus With Love

In my quest to try and understand the male species, I have done some reading, listened to peoples experiences, gossiped a bit 😉 and experienced very little. I have now reached a point where I am just totally confused!! There are just so many contradictions that i just dunno anymore. Here is a bit of a run through…..
‘He’s just not that into you’ which was written by the makers of sex and the city was a book I was really excited about the moment i heard about it. When i finally got my hands on it and read it, I was disappointed to say the least. I was left feeling dis-empowered and in fact far worse off than before i read the book! unfortunately, though I am an avid reader, my brain is like that of a computer, Garbage In, Garbage Out (GIGO). I do not remember every nitty gritty detail about the book, but I do remember the book had various scenarios which depicted whether a man was ‘into you’ or not. Like If a guy says he would call, and he doesn’t then he is just not that into you. Or if your boyfriend goes on a trip and does not contact you the first chance he gets, then he is just not that into you. It had a lot of rubbish like that which I just did not agree with.
Now ‘Why men don’t listen and women cant read maps’ is a far much better read. This book goes ahead to identify and explain the biological differences that define men and women and justify our behaviors and actions. I know many women really hate it when the man their with is busy drooling at other women right in front of them without any shame! Apparently men’s vision focuses on one focal point (does that make any sense? lol) while women have wide vision, as a result men always get busted because they just stare openly as they focus on one thing, while we women are lucky enough to be able to stare without making it rather obvious. The book also goes on to explain the workings of the male and female brain, and how they differ etc. So this book basically just put my mind at ease because I got to understand myself as a women, and somehow I got a brief insight into the workings of men (I think i need to read this book again).
The most recent ‘book’ i read was called fascinating womanhood or something of the sort. Anyway the secrets to being a fascinating woman basically just involves accepting men the way they are, wholly and completely, while allowing them to take on their masculine role in the relationship, and taking on your female responsibilities as a woman. I found this particular read interesting because it had several real life scenarios which actually gives you hope that these ‘secrets’ may actually work.
Now that was just a brief play by play of what i’ve read. Now as for the lessons I have learnt from people’s experiences, I think I have heard so many stories I cannot really sum it up so i’ll just skip to my own personal experiences with men.
So how do you talk about your experiences without looking like your hating or bitching about the people who played a starring role in the movie that is your life??
Anyway despite everything, I am still so confused about men! I really wish one of you could fill me in on the goings on of your minds. (Im so sure that ain’t grammatically correct lol)
For now I prefer just to stay on guard and assume that all men are just punks until they prove otherwise. I know that it may not be fair to just generalize but i have to look out for numero uno!
It is quite sad though that women now have such a bad reputation that we are now all categorized as skanks! I will not even pretend not to know why.
I think men just feel bad because women have emancipated themselves from that feminine role that was defined since time immemorial.
Women are now the ones chasing after men, they are okay with casual sex with no strings attached, they do not rely on men for anything, basically women are taking over the masculine role in today’s world, and men are not very amused ha ha ha
Can I be categorized as one of these new breed of women? I dunno, I think I am still trying to find where my place is. I do not condone some of the things women are doing now, but I do admire their confidence and freedom.
The thing is, these women have made men even worse! They are now walking around believing that every woman is the scum of the earth, a gold digging bitch, who will take them for a ride and leave them with their hearts broken and run.
I know I am not that kind of woman, but apparently it is like stamped on my forehead and most men figure it out. So you would think I have enough suitors knocking on my door, but you would be surprised lol Someone told me I look like wife material, which I find weird because I never think about marriage. I always tell people I will get married when I am 38 and only because Im sick of all the pressure. I just find it strange because I have no idea what kind of wife I would be.
The sanctity of the covenant known as marriage has really been decayed especially by this generation. The rate of divorce and infidelity is just so high. I just wonder why the hell people bothered getting married if they knew they were incapable of remaining faithful to one person, for better for worse, and blah blah blah.
I still have that view that marriage should be forever and we all know that life ain’t a fairy tale so that happily ever after nonsense does not exist so I think I would rather just avoid that whole marriage thing all together.
Remember the flick starring Mel Gibson ‘What women want’? I wish i could know what the hell it is men want, or at least understand what goes on in their minds.