The confused post

This right here is my song of the day, you can never go wrong with David Guetta and Jessie J murders it on the vocals, love it! I started the day with so much oomph, but this day has just gotten too manic -_-

Well, it is Tuesday now and the day isn’t looking any better. God needs to help me find my purpose right away because this aint cutting it!

My friend has this Joel Osteen book that I go read randomly whenever I go to see him. Today, I asked him for the book, and started shuffling through the pages as I told him about how I believe whatever page I open to read, will be God speaking to me. And indeed he did.

The book said that God did not want us dwelling on the negativity of the past, the shoulda, woulda, couldas. Forget about that failed relationship, that missed opportunity, that failing career. God has more in store for us, but he needs as to relinquish all that baggage in order for us to receive his new blessings. I found this greatly encouraging, even if I am not per se being dragged down by my past, but it really makes me look forward to my future. So if you are reading this, I hope this makes you as hopeful as I am about your future.

In other news, take a look at this picture below and let us ponder about it for a bit:

It is never really straight forward when it comes to this things lol. Which category do you fall under?

I think the absolute worst part about being single (yes, just the way people in relationships keep yapping about their relationships, I will yap about being single, because I am in a relationship with freedom :p) is that you find yourself compromising on your standards.

Anyhoo my point is, lack of attention will make you embrace whatever comes your way, no matter how the person it comes from looks like. Look who aint superficial no more? #growth

It is just Tuesday and so far it has been a rough week, to the point that I found myself anticipating bad things so that I get over the anger before it actually happens :-/ I have decided not to take all this so seriously so my afternoon has improved, and I hope my week improves too.


Thank God It’s Friday!!!!


It is raining all sorts of animals here in Nairobi, driving home last night was a scary experience, and the roads are in a horrible condition. Kibaki should just declare this rain a national disaster and let us stay home 🙂

I am excited about

rocking my fabulous dress tomorrow. The dress I made turned out amazing, I hope the sun shines so that I will not have to cover it up, if it does, I can always freeze and shine :p

Today I Am Feeling

wishy washy but generally just peachy.

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

I discovered this song this past weekend by Bryan Adams and I was really amazed because it is a pretty cool song.

This Weekend I

will get to hang out with one of my boys who I have  not seen in a minute 🙂

I am really craving

liquorice for some strange reason.

I wish

I would run into that magnificent dancer soon!

I hope

and pray it doesnt rain so badly today.

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is

I loved this cartoon 🙂

Have A Fantastic Friday!!!!


1st of the month

The best part about May is that it starts with a public holiday, what is there not to love about it?!

April Highlights

I got some brand new gadgets, and I am totally digging them 🙂

I had fun kicking it with my friends, my most memorable nights were the eve of Good Friday which was just insane to say the least, nights at the Brew and my out of town plan.

My cousin went to New York and I got some awesome earrings, thank you doll I totally appreciate it 🙂

April Downsides

I had no solid Easter plans, which was kinda lame, next year I must get away from the city and do something fun.

I got sick a fortnight ago, and it was not pleasant.

I have been struggling not to get caught up in people’s drama..

April Discoveries

I discovered new traits about people that I never new existed sigh.

What I Look Forward to In May

The next public holiday beginning of June 🙂

I am just praying for a lovely month.

How was April for you? What do you look forward to in May?

I leave you with this lovely song I discovered courtesy of Jack Rooster.

kisses and cookies,

Mojito’s in the rain

I had a very interesting weekend, which I still cannot get over.

On Friday I managed to dodge the rain and had a few drinks with my girls as we watched guys wallow in the miasma of Nairobi Traffic from the balcony.

The music was really awesome, it was impossible to stay seated, my feet still hurt from all the dancing I did.  The fact that I met my match when it comes to dancing, did not help the situation. This guy was an extremely good dance partner, I had such a blast. I think he may have ruined all other male dancers for me. The number of good male dancers in Nairobi are barely enough as it is. Sad part is, I may never see him again le sigh.

As a typical African woman,  I get very sceptical when a guy tells me I have beautiful eyes. I have heard it a couple of times, but my eyes are just ordinary, normal shade of brown so I find it hard to believe. But I still get cheap thrills from hearing it anyway.

I am still getting over the shock of a guy asking me for my number and he unleashes a kabambe. Those ones with the teeney weeney screens where even your cellphone number cannot be displayed at once you have to scroll to the left smh. That was not the only dealbreaker, he was showing heavage, he was a swahili nation lol but he still mastered the courage to come ask to dance with me so I gave him props for that.

It felt like I was doused in a tub of pheromones and I loved every minute of it 🙂

I also went for a very nice out of town plan, which was awesome and relaxing. I need more trips like those in my life.

Now the rain has decided to rear it’s ugly head, I am now in pursuit of a good pre-public holiday plan le sigh….



Thank God It’s Friday!!!!

I must get something luminous pink and yellow, so fetch!

I am excited about

having a public holiday next week 🙂

Today I Am Feeling

easy breezy, kama mandizi :p

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

This jam is just the one, made me love Kendrick Lamar instantly and I am currently in the process of looking for more of his music.

This Weekend I

have a pretty tight schedule with family functions and preparations. I need to do my hair, I have been having a bad hair month, and I have really been debating about what to do with my hair, because it gets messed up at the gym. I think I will just have to retouch it.

I am really craving

a banana. I have not had one since Saturday, when I was awfully sick and dragged myself out of the house to go buy fruit salad with honey, yoghurt and nuts from Java because I had a serious craving lol. Fruit cravings, who am I? My mother would love this though 🙂

I wish

rain was not accompanied by instant traffic, Nairobi sucks during the rainy season.

I hope

that my friends nini comes through, I am really praying hard. I also hope my tailored dress comes out well, I am a bit antsy about it -_-

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is

Have A Fabulous Friday!!!!

Side Bar:

Feel free to do your TGIFridays on the comment section. That’s why I originally created this post, and I would love to know how your Friday is coming along 🙂


Somethings gotta give

I have received numerous queries about why I have not updated my blog in a minute. First up I was very jazzed that you guys look forward to reading my posts, I am so deeply sorry for neglecting you.
Things have been extremely routine and slow, I am not even sure if this is writers block or if I am just simply uninspired.
My life is very lack lustre right now, it revolves around work, the gym, traffic and going out whenever I can.
My mind seems to think I am bored and that the best source of excitement would be from the male species.
Just as I jotted down my daily routine a sentence ago, it hit me that I would not have time for a man, but that is not the point.
I want attention from the opposite sex, someone who will be so consumed with me that he won’t be able to think straight.
I want to have a stimulating conversation with someone intelligent, with an independent mind who values my opinions. It sucks almost always being the one who listens, but is never heard.
I want to meet someone who is passionate about something, preferably artistic in nature. By this I mean, he has an outlet within which he can express himself.
I do not know why, but I miss the butterflies in my tummy as I dress up and get ready for a date. I want to see a face light up in awe, simply because I walked into the room.
I do not remember the last time I blushed, or felt my heart race. Okay, I lie, I do remember, but it was not the most desirable situation so it does not count.
I would love to feel a man’s pulse against my lips, and to revel in the warm embrace of big, strong arms. Yeah, I kinda have a thing for buff men, they just look like the epitome of strength.
I want to feel his warm breathe against my skin, and his hand against the small of my back… Okay I will not continue where this is headed :p
It would be nice to have someone to worry about, and to be cared for in return.
Someone who I can pamper and take care of, someone to call my own.
Remember that awesome feeling when you were thinking of that someone special, and they call as if they heard you summon them with your mind?
I want companionship, but then again I am terrified of it because I do not think I am ready for it.
I diagnosed this condition that I have from a very cool blog I stumbled upon today, whose link I will share with you asap. The disease is known as LBS, Lifelong Bachelorette Syndrome.
I am the proverbial single girl, with very little relationship experience, loose lips but good morals 😉
I have always wondered how people jump from relationship to relationship, right after I die of jealousy over how quickly they move on.
It’s raining. God, I miss cuddling and spooning *sigh*. Where can I find a snuggling partner? Shut up and walk away if your spoken for, forbidden fruit or a punk. Seriously though, there are no men.
Sometimes I wonder, will my life really feel fulfilled if I got all that my heart desires? I had a man last year and there were times I was miserable! Maybe it was because he was absolutely wrong for me. Or it could also be that having a man is not the solution to my current boring state of affairs.
Who knows?!!!!


Thank God It’s Friday!!!

what’s not to love about a 3 day week? 🙂

I am excited about

the outfit I am getting custom made, I really hope it turns out well.

Today I Am Feeling

sluggish, had an early morning work out sesh.

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

This Weekend I

am going to visit the lady from Snippets from my life. I am tagging you so that you know in advance that I am looking forward to sampling your culinary skills, so wow me :p

I am really craving

planet yoghurt, it has been too long!

I wish

hmmmm I cannot think of anything to wish for as yet..

I hope

mummy gets home safely 🙂

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is

kush and wisdom

Have A Fantastic Friday!!!!

Representing the A

Musically speaking, we have awesome talent in Africa. These artists are showing the world that we are a force to reckon with, and that they should be moving to the beat of our drums. I just want to take some time to share with you a couple of artists who have blown me away with their prowess.

Toya Delazy is a pianist, songwriter and composer from South Africa, the only reason I discovered her is because her song is currently on heavy rotation on Trace Tv. This joint will definitely get international recognition, you would definitely not think it is from Africa once you hear it. She sounds similar to Natasha Beddingfield and her style is similar to the next artist I want to shed the spotlight on.

Keko hails from Uganda and she is definitely making a name for herself as one of the best female rappers with her tight rhymes and sick flow.

Liquideep are no strangers to Kenyans, they have headlined the rising South African House music that has taken over most Kenyans with their hits like BBM, Settle for less and Alone. Still is one of their newest releases, with the sweetest lyrics that any girl would love to be serenaded with. Liquideep headlined the December edition of Blankets and Wine and they totally killed it! The lead singer Ziyon can obtain it!

Evidently South Africans are really making headway when it comes to music. Mi Casa is yet another soulful band hailing from the south, comprising of a Dj come producer, vocalist and a trumpeter. Their most popular songs from their debut self titled album Mi Casa are These Streets and Heavenly Sent which is getting a lot of airplay on MTV Base and Trace TV.

I have really been searching for their album, and I stumbled upon this song which I totally love, it is nice, sultry and mellow 🙂

This post would not be complete without some Naijo music and of course Naeto C has to make an appearance.

Given the popularity of Nigerian music you would think I would be fluent in pidgin. I was so sure he says ‘Me and you, I tend to go.’ yes, I know it makes no sense but that was what it sounded like he was saying :p

Naeto C has been in the game for a while now, making hit after hit. He prides himself as being the only MC with an MSC which is befitting seeing that he graduated with a Masters in Energy Studies. But he followed his heart and chose to pursue music.

Ice Prince is yet another talented rapper from Naija, popularly known for his hit song Oleku. He is definitely someone to watch out for.

Now let us shift the focus to Kenya, my home town 🙂
J’Mani has been in the game for a couple of years and his music has definitely grown. He has a dynamic sound and great flow, and in this song he teams up with Lyra Aoko, a very talented vocalist and Collo who is finally living up to the name King wa rap. 

The best decision Nonini ever made was to leave Calif Records. His music has really grown and gained a global appeal, he even got to perform at Big Brother Africa in last year. The quality of the tracks he produces has become superior, and his videos have graduated from the antics of Luche and almost always get international airplay. This track Pole Pole has a very unique Afro sound, and the whole idea of a genge shuffle will make it a certified club banger.

Nonini is currently spearheading a campaign to stop discrimination against Albinos and to encourage the use of sun screen which I think is very admirable.

Just A Band can pride themselves for being the first band in Africa to go viral with their hit song Ha He which made them an internet sensation. They are one of the few bands who have exploited the full potential of the internet by organizing a Google+  hangout Boxing Day Special last year, featuring various artists singing your favorite Christmas carols. Take a listen here.

Huff and Puff is from their sophomore album 82 and it features my favorite video vixen 😛

Just A Band are the humblest band you ever did see, and their fame has not infiltrated their heads. They are just a cool group of geeks making good music.

This post would not be complete without talking about these young cats making waves in the music industry, Camp Mulla. They have a fresh sound,    and a global appeal, not to mention a whole lot of talent. They were recently chosen to perform  alongside J. Cole at the Big Brother Stargame show, and I think they were the perfect candidates for the job. I am really looking forward to their album dropping, I would BUY that ish!

Gospel music has grown exponentially in Kenyan with various artists thinking outside of the very stringent box associated with gospel music. MOG and Juliani are some of those artists producing hit after hit, which are not only a form of worship, but you will find Djs in clubs playing their records! My Call is currently one of my favorite gospel songs at the moment, quite catchy and I love the dancers in the video.

I hope you enjoyed my musical journey through Africa. If you feel there are some artists I left out, kindly let me know in the comment section.

Peace. Love. Light.

Afrospired Apparel

I should copyright this title, it would make a great name for a Fashion House, which I will open one day in the distant future.

I purchased some African fabrics last month, and I have been searching the interwebs for some cool designs that I can use to make some fashional clothes. I have stumbled upon some awesome outfits and i thought I should share some of them.

I love this shade of green and the bow adds some pinache
Yes, I like green, and bows. Love her bracelets too
I am digging the design, and the vibrant colors
This jacket needs me in it's life
Simple yet elegant
Totally digging the skirt!
Those colors!
I want!

That Angel Girl has wedges similar to these, I hope she knows if I ever find her wearing them I will rob them from her feet.

I think I will take the blazer too 🙂


I like the frilly detail
Another design I am really digging
The fabrics used for this outfit, the design, love it!
The layered fish detail looks gorgeous
If there is a tailor who can make me this jacket, let me know!
Look at that back!




In a nutshell, whatever I decide to make will have a peplum design, bows and some frills somewhere. I am just crossing my fingers I find a very good tailor. If you know of any kindly comment with their details. Thanks 🙂