Kenya ~ Heritage of splendour

Today I stumbled upon the Travelling Kenya Facebook page, and I was left in awe because my country truly is beautiful. There are so many places I am yet to explore in this here Kenya and I wanted to share with you a few places that I hope I will be lucky enough to get to visit before I die.

The Floating House in Kilifi Creek

How beautiful is this house? I can imagine how wobbly it may be when the tide is high, but regardless I would love to be aboard it. I wonder if it moves..

Forodhani House in Lamu

Those sun beds over there, at the corner, is where I need to be!

Kongoni Lodge in Naivasha

Naivasha is famed for Fisherman’s camp, Crayfish camp, Delamere, Enashipai, and little did we know there was a gem like this hidden deep within.

Milele House in Vipingo Ridge

This looks like the perfect place to host an all white party (Diddy Style).

The Thomsons Falls, Nyahururu

I can definitely chase this waterfall.

Tiwi Beach Diani

Photos courtesy of the Travelling Kenya Facebook page, check out their website here and discover the beauty of Kenya.

Happy Travels 🙂

10 things I learnt this weekend

First up, my apologies, I was not able to do TGIFridays last week, got caught up with work and stuff. But instead of telling you what I hoped for for the weekend, I can actually tell you what went down today 🙂

I went for drinks with the girls on Friday night at a new lounge that I had kept on hearing about. It was quite nice, loved the ambience and the prices. We went dancing soon after that and we had a ball.

I bonded with my bed and my telly for the rest of the weekend, it is amazing the fact that I slept for so many hours and I am still so sleepy. Despite the fact that in essence my weekend was very boring, I was still thoroughly entertained and enlightened thanks to social media and my mother. Here are a few things I learnt and pondered about this weekend.

  • I am still as clueless as ever it seems, contrary to my belief that I know stuff. I also realised I have no clue where Githurai is. In my mind it is somewhere past Ngara, but apparently it is somewhere along Thika Road? I really need to explore my city 🙂
  • The fact that I will not be compensated for all my hard work and effort, deeply saddens and demotivated me. I had convinced myself that all this was in preparation for something better, but I do not know any more. I do not think I have the strength to keep persevering through this any more.  Instead I will focus my energy on stuff that will actually benefit me and make me happy 🙂
  • I got to talk to the people I was yearning for 😉 Could it be that they yearn for me too? time will tell
  • After a very enlightening conversation with my mummy, I discovered the importance of male circumcision and how it moulds boys into becoming men so I should choose my men wisely, and why she is not worried about the fact that married is sort of a pipe dream for me.
  • Sometimes you can be given advice, it enters one ear and get’s out of the other. You have to make your own mistakes to experience life, but that does not mean turning a deaf ear.
  • Awkward moments come and go, it is never that serious.
  • My ears heat up when I blush or laugh.
  • I miss my friends in the UK immensely.
  • Delamere Yoghurt is very delicious, taking smooth creaminess to escalated levels.
  • I think I am over you, even if I was never really ‘under’ you.. (This applies to more than one person)

Feel free to share what you learnt this past weekend.

Have a blessed week.


Thank God It’s Friday!!!

This Friday is rather lack lustre considering I will not have much of a weekend, but still that Friday feeling can never diminish 🙂

Today I Am Feeling

happy now 🙂 I did not start the morning in the best note, but after a lot of laughter, and blushes smh I am feeling happy go lucky.

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

This song suddenly just popped into my head, it is an awesome song that barely gets airplay.  I noticed how old Craig David looked, heard somewhere he is sick, hope it isn’t bad..

This Weekend I

am on the grind mad!!

I am really craving

How fabulous are these skirts?!! I really need me like a bunch of these!

I wish

I could go for rally in Kajiado 😦

I hope

my friend in hospital is doing well 🙂

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is


Have A Fun Friday!!!!


Thanks for the memories even if they weren’t so great

he tastes like you even sweeter….

This weekend I was haunted by many ghosts from my past. I kept bumping into them left, right and centre. In one particular case, I was sort of a catalyst, add alcohol into the mix (not by me) and the situation became even funnier.

Bumping into my exes or having any contact with them is never easy.  It takes a lot of effort to ignore them and act like I haven’t seen them. Yes, sadly that is the relationship that I have with them. I am not the sort of person who is into ‘beef’ with people. In fact, every time I always tell myself to be the bigger person and say hello or something, but I always chicken out because I am afraid interacting with them will just make me feel bad.

This fear has been reinforced by my past experiences with one of the exes smh. Seeing him is always disorienting, the fact that he moved on so fast never helps matters. He always makes me feel inadequate, like I was never good enough. We cannot be friends if you do not even like the person that I am!

As for another ex, even though he really hurt me, I was over that story since it happened some 3 or 4 years ago. I was even ready and willing to be friends. Till he called me and told me a big bunch of hogwarsh, and all that flew out of the window. The fact that he has discovered my value now really does not count for anything. You snooze you loose my friend!

Then there was another guy who I keep meeting every week grrrrrrr but all we do is ignore each others existence. Well, I was forced to talk to him at blankets where all of your exes converge in one garden  and the dude acted like he had never met me before!! I went along with it, simply because I don’t really give a damn about him smh.

Sometimes I wonder what I was thinking getting into these relationships, and why I had to go through them. I understand that such experiences are learning lessons or whatever, but I am so tired of getting it wrong. I need to get it right.

What I need

I do thank the men who have been in my life for showing me that I deserve better, and the traits that I should avoid in my future boyfriends.

I hope the heartbreak was not in vain..

There are also those characters who give me cheap thrills, and this is what I think of them>>>

dont get it twisted

Here’s hoping I do get it right…….


1st of the month

May Highlights

My cousin got married and her wedding was amazing 🙂 I should add that I looked absolutely stunning.

I had an amazing sheesha experience, let us live it at that #WEG Wicked Evil Grin

My room and the rest of the house is being refurbished, it was a messy process, but the finished product is too awesome!

For some reason, I have been trying to think about what I did during the month of May and I am just drawing blanks!!

May Downsides

My friends lost loved ones and it was not the best time for them. It was so hard seeing them go through such a hard time.

I have really been busy this past month, and it is only going to get worse.

May Discoveries

Nairobi is just to tiny for it’s own good.

Chocolate Rose is the nyummiest cocktail ever.

I have zero game lol

What I Look Forward to in June

Dj Cleo in concert, words cannot describe how excited I am about it.

How was May for you? What are you looking forward to in June?


Butterflies in my tum tum

We learn something new from every single person that we have the pleasure or displeasure of interacting with. We get to know more about the other person, plus we get some insights about our own personalities from them.

Same thing goes for relationships, we learn a lot about ourselves from our interactions with members of the opposite sex, especially from failed relationships. There is a reason those relationships failed, and you partly or wholly contributed to it. It is up to you to learn from it, and use that information to grow into someone better.

Having never succeeded in any relationship forever alone lol  , I try my best to make sure I do not repeat my past mistakes. Sometime’s it is hard because I have to keep reminding myself what was wrong with my previous relationships so as to make sure I do not relive those moments again.

It is especially hard to remember those things when I meet someone new, and I am overwhelmed by excitement and a whole bunch of nerves. Thank God for this blog, because I can refer to it and refresh my memory. One thing’s for sure, I am ready to make it right..

They say that first impressions are very important, so naturally everyone wants to be nothing short of impressive. It takes a lot of work to make a lasting impression, be it in how you look or how you behave. Most of the time I am sure you will not be your usual self, but you will act in a manner which you believe the other party will find to be impressive. In the end, we all want to be liked.

So here I am, growing a bundle of nerves because I am about to meet someone new. It must be a whole lot easier just hooking up with a friend, who already knows all your faults and weaknesses, and accepts you for who you are. But nothing in life comes easy, in fact it is way more exciting when you do not know what is in store for you.

I leave you with this..


A lil bit of this, a lil bit of that

I really want to blog today so I am basically looking for inspiration anywhere and everywhere, but mostly from pictures 🙂



Here is a  sketch of one of my favorite rappers from the UK, Mr Tinie Tempah who is originally from Nigeria.

He was the one who first introduced me to the very talented Emelie Sande 2 years ago, with this song, which is one of the rare songs that mentions ‘me’. His album  Discovery was nothing but spectacular.

I cant figure out if this is candy or protection, I just know that I want them!


I am really glad this song came out after I had lost all my baggage, I feel sorry for whoever is going through heartbreak and has to listen to this.

Day by day people are coming up with new places to pierce, ears, tongues, noses are too main stream it seems. But this torso is all kinds of cool though.

I changed my mind, I wouldnt wanna be bitten by a vampire anymore. Sookie and Bella do not show how painful it is the day after lol

This year there has been so many cases of suicides in Kenya which is extremely sad and worrying. Life is precious, life is a gift, and no matter how horrible it may seem, there is so much to live for. If not for yourself, then for your loved ones. Killing yourself is the worst thing you could do to your family. There are people who love you and will be there for you, you are never alone, even though sometimes it feels like you are.

How hot is Pharell!!

let’s get blown

This is where I am at right now…

and finally, something for you to think about.

Have a superb day 🙂


Thank God It’s Friday!!!

Well, Friday’s almost over…

Today I Am Feeling

relaxed, which is surprising given my current circumstances.

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

Dj Shinski’s awesome mix 🙂

This Weekend I

will be super busy -_- >>>> not doing fun things at all 😦

I am really craving

my bed, and some RnR

I wish

some situations did not have to happen..

I hope

tomorrow goes smoothly

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is

Have A Fantastic Friday!!!

Obsessed with accessories

Ever since forever I have always been in love with accessories, be it rings, bracelets, necklaces, earrings, you name it and I will want it.

I have collected a whole bunch of accessories over the years, simply because when I spot something lovely it is difficult for me to leave it behind. The places where I like to buy stuff are Mr. Price, Woolworths, Identity, 4u2, Maasai Market, the numerous vendors in the streets of town and anywhere else, I do not discriminate.  I have a lot of gifted stuff as well from my family and friends, plus I occasionally raid my mother’s jewellery box, she had some cool pieces back in the day. I also make jewellery so a couple of pieces are my own creations like the long purple feather earring in the picture below.

Thought I would share with you some of my pieces and how I keep them. Maybe you guys can give me suggestions on how to store them better.

Big shout out to my dear friend Coloured In Sepia who got me this fantastic two sided jewellery holder which I love to death!! It has really helped when it comes to storing my earrings, and it has become sort of my mission to completely fill it on both sides. So as you can see, I keep my earrings there and my charm bracelets and my multi fingered rings.

I put up some hooks to hang my necklaces to prevent them from becoming a tangled mess. I think since I started making jewellery I stopped feeling the need to buy necklaces, but I have been spotting some really beautiful pieces that I must buy.

This hot mess is my accessory drawer, which has everything that cannot be hanged or fit into the jewellery holder. I keep my hair accessories here, and bangles, bracelets, crabs, and necklaces. It is not usually so untidy, I try keep them in old chocolate tins as a way of partitioning the drawer.

This was a gift box that I had lying around which I decided to use for my stretchy bracelets that I place on my dressing table.

I use the cover to randomly toss things in there when I am in a hurry or lazy -_-

I use this chocolate tray to store my cocktail rings, my favorite ring is the butterfly, I am kinda obsessed with anything with butterflies.

I keep my other rings in this jewellery box that ws gifted from my aunt. Excuse some of the oxidised rings ti hi hi hi. Some of them are clearly not real silver which I bought knowing that. But here is a tip for you, if you want to buy authentic silver pieces, always look for a small serial number etched into it.

I keep my random studs in this other gifted jewellery box from my cousin.

So there you have it, my jewellery collection at it’s best. If you were ever thinking of gift ideas for yours truly, now you know what my heart desires.

Feel free to share what you have in your jewellery collection too 🙂

Kisses and cookies,