Last reflections of an almost 25 year old

yeah for some reason I am pretty melancholic on this here Monday, maybe I have been hit by the growing old blues. Maybe I should add that some character somewhere has just confused me *thumbs down*.

I do not have that ‘It’s my birthday’ happy feeling that I should be having, though I did have it on Saturday night when I celebrated it. Maybe it will come tomorrow, on my actual birthday.


Not to mention the fact that my head feels heavy and I am sleepy 0_O.

But I did have a spectacular weekend, had so much fun. I got to kick it with the people close to me, and I really felt the love 🙂

This post was meant to be about lessons learnt as a 24 year old, but right now I am too lethargic to come up with anything good.

Here’s hoping this day improves…

Monday Musings

Today I finally got a new prayer journal after my last one got filled up and it reminded me of how much I have neglected praying. There are so many people I have not been praying for, who I am sure are in need of God’s favor. And I generally feel bad about not conversating with the man upstairs, so I am looking forward to changing that.
I had a very interesting week and weekend, with some interesting occurrences, and valuable lessons me thinks.
I had the weirdest moments too, some which made me wake up and smell the coffee.
In life there are those people who have to step up and be the bigger person when it comes to certain situations. Well, I am one of those people, even if I hate doing it, and I always wonder why the other parties involved never do it. But it is better to step up then someone else doing it before you, it leaves you feeling like an idiot.
So today is my last Monday as a 24 year old. Yeah I am very big on milestones, so I plan on making a big deal out of everything this week, to live life to the fullest. I am tres excited about my birthday, it’s like the 2 days I can ask for anything I want and maybe get it by virtue of it being my birthday. I do expect gifts, but I know the likely hood of me getting any are extremely slim. But I will buy myself some shoes, I am in desperate need of a new pair of hot heels.

So if you are feeling sufficiently philanthropic, I am a size 4 going on size 5, thanks in advance 😉

On the flip side, birthdays are also scary, I have mentioned that before here. Reading this creeped me out even more.

Karma, what goes around comes around. I do not understand how something bad can happen to someone, then they go ahead and hurt someone else the same way they were done wrong. I guess people are different *Kanye shrug*.

I was wondering, can I blame my over thinking when it comes to matters dealing with men, to being female? Am I really over thinking this?

The worst part about this month has always been saying goodbye, I hate goodbyes. I have also decided that I am done with all this, next January must be different from these past 3..

Monday, so far so good. Do not let the blues hit you wherever you are.  Smile, it confuses people 🙂

New year, new signature.

Kisses and cookies,


Monday Riff Raff

So Monday is usually the day where I reflect about life, after the happenings of the weekend. I dunno why but for some reason I learn a lot of things after weekends, especially crazy ones.

This past weekend was nice and polite, kicked it with my friends and had fun catching up. Though I still have not properly gone out dancing, and my feet cannot stand it.

I stumbled upon the above picture and wondered if I could do some of the things it says. Like the first item on the list, i have been staring at my phone for the longest time. He cannot possibly be waiting for me to do something, could he? Sometimes I wonder if he thinks of me as much as I think of him, and the answer that I conjure up in my head is that he doesn’t…

So I decide, every single time, that I will get him out of my head, but he doesn’t get out, instead he hides out at a little corner at the back of my mind . The closer we get to December, the closer he gets to coming out of hiding.

Then I stumble upon this, and my decision to just expunge him from my entire being goes out the window. Anyway I will decide what to do when and if he is ever in my presence….

I also really need to learn how to listen to my instinct, sometimes I do things knowing they are mistakes, but I just ignore that nagging voice in my head and do them anyway, knowing I will regret not listening  to myself smh. I have no idea why I do this, but hopefully I will consciously decide to listen to my instinct the next time it speaks to me, because it may be my only true friend.

You know how you can meet someone and just get that feeling that there is something not right with them? I do not, I never have them 6th sense if I  can call it that.  I tend to look for the good in people, and maybe my judgement may be impaired by good looks too 😉

But there are some people  that I do have a 6th sense about, and I am failing a bit when it comes to staying away from them -_- but I am back on my guard.

I also learnt that sometimes, maybe the people you are meant to trust are not so trustworthy… I dunno, sometimes it is difficult to know who to trust.

Enjoy the last few days of November,



Cheers to the freaking weekend!

I definitely drank to that this past weekend, but no Jameson, I cannot stand brown stuff. But that was on Friday, met up randomly with my gals at various spots, shared great stories, and had plenty of good laughs.

On Saturday, went to the shooting range, look out for a post I will do soon on that. A friend had a party that I went for, got to see people I had not seen in years, and met a few new ones too.

I discovered how small the world is, like it is smaller than I thought. My mind literally pooped bricks! But it was definitely an interesting revelation.

It seems like I am the only one who is wary about getting married, people are getting engaged, and planning weddings all around me. Is it me with the warped sentiments on marriage, or is everyone else just more daring and willing to take the leap?

This weekend 2 people, which was just one too many, asked me why a pretty girl like me is single? Like it was something unfathomable and they could not imagine why that was my current status. I have talked about this irrelevant question before, and I still do not have the perfect answer because I do not think this is something I can answer. No I am not waiting for ‘The one’ because I do not believe such a phenomenon exists. I have not found the right man? Maybe that answer may suffice, if I knew how to identify the right man and what characteristics he should have. *shrugs* For now, the honest answer would be, I am single by choice until I figure out whether I do not want to be anymore…

One of these people prying into my life was some man I met, who was shocked by the fact that I do not dream about weddings and all that hulla balloo. He tried to portray himself as a happily married, responsible husband, yet he keeps calling me -_-. I am definitely going to kill that story immediately!

I also witnessed what I think is a very unhappy, dysfunctional couple. My 2 cents is, if you are unhappy with someone, just leave them and live your life (eeeeehhh eeeehhh eeeehhh *Rihanna voice*)

Then met someone who was with his girlfriend, and he proceeded to tell me how he was thinking of ending things because there are so many beautiful women out here *rolls eyes*. I am so sure many other people think in the same line, I think if the variety is too much, do not get committed to one person, if you know you wanna sample other ‘spices’.

On a totally unrelated story, it is so not cool when people contribute to other people’s first impressions of you. I was really exposed by my friends ha ha ha which was so below the belt.

This weekend I got exactly what I wanted, it was unbelievable because I never thought it would be feasible really, second time around 😉 But I got it and it was amazing, cannot stop thinking about it!

I also had to drive for a long distance in Saturday night’s downpour, it was very scary but I got to my destination in one piece, think I am getting a good handle on this driving thing.

In a nutshell, my weekend was sensational, definitely a great start to October 🙂


When what you have been dreading, happens..

I went for the bbq that I was looking forward to on Friday, and it rocked. The house was more beautiful than I imagined.

Though I did feel sort of socially awkward, socialising was a task though the men there made it easier. I doubt I spoke to any chic that I did not know.

It also felt weird, being there by myself, the lone ranger, when so many people had coupled up. I am still adjusting to not being part of a pair anymore, and third wheeling is just the pits, totally sucks!

I indulged in sangria and some sweet white wine, and by the time I got home, I was sorta tipsy, and my head was spinning.

Little did I know that at that time my grandfather was lying in his hospital bed dying -_-

My mother woke me up on Sunday morning, and I just knew that he had left us.

I never expected him to die so soon, I thought that he would at least have a few weeks to go. But he was really suffering, and I am sure he was happy to relinquish everything and head towards the light.

I think after we bury him I can finally be in peace, with nothing bad to look forward to, and actually have the heart to hope for something good to happen.

I feel like my luck will change, and that awesome things are in store for me.

For now I just pray for courage and strength for my family as we lay to rest one of the pillars of our family, and pray that his memory and spirit will keep us together.



20 questions I must answer as I start my week

So like I said, I will try my best to ask myself these questions every week, simply to be able to reflect about my life and start the week on a clear note. I found these questions from this blog so check it out to get a better understanding of how to answer these questions.

What did I learn last week?

  • First impressions can sometimes be very deceiving.
  • I need to be more headstrong and should not accept to take any crap from anyone.
  • Do not be a pushover.
  • I really really really need to listen to my instincts, my inner voice, because every time I ignore it, whatever it is telling me happens.
  • I am blessed with great family and friends.
  • I became those chics I never wanted to become smh.

What was my greatest accomplishment over the past week?

  • Not letting life and it’s downsides get to me.

Which moment from last week was the most memorable and why?

  • I touched an elephant, a baby elephant and it was an awesome experience. Look out for the post coming up in a bit.

What’s the 1 thing I need to accomplish this week?

I really need to make a decision on the way forward, I cannot stay hanging in limbo, having false hopes which are not leading to anything. Something’s gotta give….

What can I do right now to make the week less stressful?

I will review my schedule this week, find out everything that is meant to go down and make all the necessary plans and what not.

What have I struggled with in the past that might also affect the upcoming week?

  • Not knowing what the future holds, whether to act the same or act like things have changed…

What was last week’s biggest time sink?

Nothing monumentally bad happened last week, just those small moments of stress or sadness. Anyway that is what I need to do, not to let stress get the best of me, and to have total control over my emotions.

Am  I carrying any excess baggage into the week that can be dropped?

  • I guess the most important question should be is this baggage? If it is, should I drop it?!

What have I been avoiding that needs to get done?

  • Shopping! I am in desperate need of new apparel.
  • A discussion really needs to be had.

What opportunities are still on the table?

  • There is none that I know of thus far.

Is there anyone I have been meaning to talk to?

There is a friend of mine who I have not spoken to in a long while that I really need to catch up with.

Is there anyone that deserves a big thank you?

  • The almighty father for being so amazing.

How can I help someone else this coming week?

  • I promised someone something that I must deliver on.

What are my top 3 goals for the next 3 years?

  • I came across a masters brochure this weekend, specializing in the industry I currently work in, and it really caught my eye. I never imagined I would be somewhat interested in studying in this field. Anyhoosmu, I must pursue and attain a post graduate degree in the next 3 years.
  • I must own a motor vehicle, I sort of put this on the back burner. Hopefully I will find the right car and do this at a suitable time.
  • I must grow in my career.

Have any of my recent actions moved me closer to my goals?

I now know what actions I need to take.

What is the next step for each goal?

  • Start researching on what to study for my masters, and if there are any scholarships I can apply for.
  • Find out prices of cars that I would like to buy.
  • Work really hard and start exploring my options.

What am I looking forward to in the upcoming week?

  • Dusting the cobwebs in my wallet.
  • My cousin is graduating this Friday, I am super proud of him 🙂

What are my fears?

  • Driving. I am still kinda jittery when I am behind the wheel, but this week I will work on conquering that fear.
  • I am afraid of what people think, this has always been a constant struggle for me. But like my friend told me, it is time I looked out for number one!

What am I most grateful for?

  • Some what good health, a good job.
  • Loving friends and family.
  • A pretty face and some what good skin although it is misbehaving.

If I knew I only had one week to live, who would I spend my time with?

  • My family and friends, those that I hold most dear to me.
  • I would through a major epic party and invite everyone I know.

Kisses and cookies,

Mindless Monday Banter

Today’s shocking revelation, Rashida Jones (From Boston Public, I love you man, The Social Network) is Quincy Jones’s How do you pluralise names already in plural?! daughter!

She looks so Caucasian with her pretty hazel eyes, I would have never guessed she was of African American descent.  Plus she also got her father’s musical genes as she sang back up for Maroon 5 once upon a time.

It gets better, her sister was engaged to Tupac Shakur!

I also got another reminder that time is really moving fast, and I am growing old. Looks like I am not the only one, look at the metamorphosis of Angus T Jones, popularly known as Jake from 2 and a half men.

From an adorable little chubby boi


To this trim svelt young man


Angus is now 16 years old, imagine that! They really should change the show to 3 men already. I cannot wait to see how Ashton will fit into the show because I still do not understand how he will be Allan’s older brother!

Photo By Kevin Burg

Peek-a-boo I see you 😉

How amazing is this picture? I stumbled upon some really awesome sights featuring work by some very talented photographers. Stay tuned for more 🙂

This has really been the longest Monday ever, I am so sleepy!!

I had those weird arithmetic like dreams again last night. It is not really arithmetic, but it involves numbers that I think about and anticipate over and over again in my dreams. They never make sense, but even though I am asleep I fee apprehensive as I wait for the numbers to ‘occur’ again.

I have noticed a disturbing trend on twitter, people do not seem to know what awkward moments are. They tweet about things that are just weird and not necessarily awkward. This needs to die!

Anyway here’s hoping that this week will not drag as much as today has.

Monday Morning Jibber Jabber

It’s early Monday morning, the clouds are overhead, masking the sun which had just been shining brightly like half an hour ago.

The sun may have lost the battle, but I am hoping it will win the war later on today.

I dread Monday’s but when the day itself materializes, sometimes it is not as bad as we expect it to be. (I am hoping I am not jinxing myself).

The fact that they play good music on Monday morning really helps. Music is the 2nd thing after people that has power over my mood. Good music excites me, makes me happy, reminds me of happy moments, in fact I am listening to the radio as we speak.

It is definitely taking my mind off my sinuses which are really acting up 😦

The other cool thing about Monday is reminiscing about the weekend. I had yet another fantastic weekend, a trend that I am really digging. Spent it with people I had not seen in a while and we definitely had a ball.

This Sunday I saw enough women in harem pants. The first time I saw those pants, I could not believe MC Hammer was the inspiration behind a fashion trend. I thought they were ridiculous!! But nowadays I see so many women actually looking good in them. I do not know if I like them enough to purchase a pair for myself, right now I am okay admiring them on others.


December is a day away and I am very excited because it is after all the season to be jolly 🙂

The one thing I will never get used to about adulthood is working in December. It is so not fair. I am already in a holiday state of mind!! The worst part about it is that the industry that I work in never closes for the holidays 😦

I decided this year I will go for mass on Christmas eve, I really hope I will be able to do it though, I am already trying to think of who I can drag with me to church.

I have no clue what we are doing for Christmas, but one thing is for sure, we will be in Nairobi.

Is it just me, or are the summer bunnies taking forever to get here?! This year I know better than to get involved with summer bunnies, it is a waste of time, ok not of course when they are around, but it sucks when they go back to the countries they came from.

I really really really want a blackberry. I blame twitter. Why do they have to display what applications people are using? How does that information help me except from making me want things I can’t have?? I want to twit from Uber Twitter and have BBM, that is all. Santa if you’re reading this please get me a blackberry? Any will do, storm, torch whatevs.


Blackberry Bold





It is a cold Monday Morning in Nairobi today, but as much as the thought of Monday yesterday was sickening, the day is not bad so far.. hope I have not jinxed myself.

They say a picture says a thousand words, if there was a picture that would best describe me it would be this one. What do you think it says??

I had a very nice chilled out Sunday, vegetated in bed as usual, watching television. I decided to give the male sitcom ‘Top Gear’ a chance since the omnibus usually airs on Sundays on BBCE.

I like the show, Jeremy is a hoot, and for some of us who are clueless about anything involved with cars, it was very enlightening, and it gives you quite the rush. In the episode I was watching, they had a segment about gift suggestions. How ecstatic was I when Jeremy pulled out this little gadget here:

Jeremy's gift suggestion

To be honest, I had no idea what that was he was holding. He asked the audience if anyone knew what it was, and there was only one lady who was in the know.

That plastic thingy is what is known as a shewee. It’s a portable urinating device which enables women to pee while standing. I think it is like the best thing since sliced bread! I wonder if it is sold in Kenya?? I can already imagine how convenient my life would be with it. No more holding it in for long distances during road trips, no more long queues at the lavatory, no need to squat in pit latrines do you know how far much worse the stench is down there? I know for a fact my life would greatly improve if I had this here device.

Weekend Revelations

  1. Parents are really good at nagging (0_O)
  2. Long flowy skirts can really be tiresome especially while wearing heels.
  3. I’m such a sucker for getting my picture taken photo whore
  4. On the same note, I want a Nikon.
  5. Men in my family are hot! I doubt I will ever find a hot Meru guy because I am related to most of them :p
  6. You cannot rationalize with drunk people, they never get it!
  7. It is impossible to find car keys in bushes, in the still of the night.
  8. Men can be so weak when it comes to women.
  9. I have such a weak resolve 😦 This randomness must reduce!
  10. Some men actually have women figured out.
  11. Confidence bordering on arrogance is kinda appealing.
  12. It’s not good to judge people before you actually get to know them.
  13. 2nd hand smoke will be the death of most of us
  14. I am never taking alcohol on a Sunday ever again, that was the first and last time!
  15. On the same note, I am never playing drinking games the morning after the rhumba concentration negative.
  16. To dodge having to take a shot during a drinking game, pretend your mother’s calling lol or ask one of the guys to take it for you 😉
  17. Just so that I do not forget, I took one for the team, now the team owes me big time!
  18. That sponsor guy is slimier than a slime ball yuck!!!
  19. Nairobi National Park is so expensive, 300 Kshs per person?! and you still pay for the vehicle as well!!?
  20. Sunglasses are a brilliant invention, they shield you from the suns glare, makes you look cool, and covers your eyes if you have something to hide like eye bugs :p
  21. There are many messed up people in this world.
  22. You think you know someone, but you have no freaking idea!