
Thank God It’s Friday!!!!!

I am excited about

the weekend, I dunno I am just excited and I like the feeling.

Today I am feeling

like there is something awesome in store for me, so I am just waiting in anticipation 🙂

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

Thanks to Dj Adrian today morning.

This Weekend I

need to think of something fantastic to do for my mother because it’s her birthday and I have no idea what to do for her -_-

I am craving

I spotted this today and I am dying to go sky diving. Why is the Kenya shilling so weak??? Why am I so broke? lol. Feel free to donate to the take Nkirdizzle sky diving fund. I accept all monetary forms 😉

I wish

I was self employed.

I hope

things will not get complicated tomorrow, I really have my plate full.

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is

Have A Fabulous Friday!!!


Movie Review ~ Friends with benefits

Everybody knows trailers are very deceiving, they pick out the best clips of the movie to make you want to watch the movie. Well the trailer for Friends with benefits, was no different,  as you can see here. The minute I saw it I knew I had to watch the movie, and true to form, it was even more awesome than the trailer promised it would be.

Mila Kunis stars as Jamie,a head hunter who recruits Dylan, Justin Timberlake and convinces him to move to New York to work for GQ magazine as an Art Director.  She uses the beauty of New York as her main pitch to convince him to leave his LA home and take the job. The best thing about the big apple was most definitely the flash mob, where a large crowd randomly starts dancing choreographically to different songs. It looks so awesome, someone should organise that in the streets of Nairobi.

Dylan and Jamie get to know each other and eventually become good friends. They decide to become friends with benefits whereby they get to benefit physically from each other, without the complications of emotions.

This movie makes FWB friends with benefits seem like such a sweet deal. You can throw your insecurities out of the door, because you do not really care what your friend thinks of you. You do not have to walk on each others toes, but simply be honest with each other about your needs and how you like it in the sack.

Jamie and Dylan have such a great rapport with each other, they are suitable opponents when it comes to ‘tennis’ and they look good doing it. Who knew Justin Timberlake had such a smoking body!  Despite the oath they made on Jamie’s iPad bible app, emotions eventually came in the way which was of course inevitable.

We also witness Dylan and his sister (Jenna Elfman) struggling to cope with the fact that their father (Richard Jenkins) has alzheimers and is slowly loosing his memory. Jamie also has to deal with an irresponsible mother who likes to have fun and has never revealed who her father is.

I give this movie a 9/10, because I found it extremely entertaining.

1st of the month

This is going to be a spectacular month by the looks of things 🙂

September Highlights

Earth Dance was a great way to start the month, the ultimate dance party of the year!

I fulfilled a couple of my hearts desires this month. I did not kiss a giraffe, but it licked my hands, does that count? :p

I finally bought a new camera, it is not a big snazzy looking one, it is nice, small and compact, and it takes awesome pictures.

I went ice skating with a friend of mine, which was part of the list, and we had such a lovely time catching up and trying not to fall down on the ice.

I also went to the shooting range with my cousin, after like 3 or so years, and it was awesome. I love how every weekend has become a promise of a new adventure, I am totally loving it.

I had a ball during my random nights out, met some very interesting people and got to kick it with them.

I revived a hobby of mine, which lucky for me can generate some money. It is going well so far, and I pray I will keep up with this enthusiasm.

The best part about this month, was letting go of my past, realizing I made the best decision and moving on with my life. I have taken charge of my own happiness and it feels amazing 🙂

September Downsides

A lot of people died this past month in Kenya, which was awful.

A few of my friends got hurt this month, some by people who I totally never expected. I will not lie, I have lost faith in the fact that men have control over their actions. I am still trying very hard not to generalize, but the only way not to do that is to expect the unexpected…

September Discoveries

I am way too nice.

I have a powerful mind 🙂

Life is good and I deserve nothing but the best.

I have unfinished business with certain people, my curiosity will never end till it is finished.

What I look forward to in October

I am tres excited about Nairobi Fashion Market, even if I am already so broke, I hope I will get to go for it.

Kenyatta day is on Thursday \o/ the new constitution just had to rob us of Moi day smh.

I think I might celebrate halloween this year, let us see if I will be in the mood…

Finally, my mummy is turning 50 this month, and I need to think up something phenomenal to do for her. If you have any ideas, I am all ears.

How was September for you? What are you looking forward to in October?

Kisses and cookies,

Cheers to the freaking weekend!

I definitely drank to that this past weekend, but no Jameson, I cannot stand brown stuff. But that was on Friday, met up randomly with my gals at various spots, shared great stories, and had plenty of good laughs.

On Saturday, went to the shooting range, look out for a post I will do soon on that. A friend had a party that I went for, got to see people I had not seen in years, and met a few new ones too.

I discovered how small the world is, like it is smaller than I thought. My mind literally pooped bricks! But it was definitely an interesting revelation.

It seems like I am the only one who is wary about getting married, people are getting engaged, and planning weddings all around me. Is it me with the warped sentiments on marriage, or is everyone else just more daring and willing to take the leap?

This weekend 2 people, which was just one too many, asked me why a pretty girl like me is single? Like it was something unfathomable and they could not imagine why that was my current status. I have talked about this irrelevant question before, and I still do not have the perfect answer because I do not think this is something I can answer. No I am not waiting for ‘The one’ because I do not believe such a phenomenon exists. I have not found the right man? Maybe that answer may suffice, if I knew how to identify the right man and what characteristics he should have. *shrugs* For now, the honest answer would be, I am single by choice until I figure out whether I do not want to be anymore…

One of these people prying into my life was some man I met, who was shocked by the fact that I do not dream about weddings and all that hulla balloo. He tried to portray himself as a happily married, responsible husband, yet he keeps calling me -_-. I am definitely going to kill that story immediately!

I also witnessed what I think is a very unhappy, dysfunctional couple. My 2 cents is, if you are unhappy with someone, just leave them and live your life (eeeeehhh eeeehhh eeeehhh *Rihanna voice*)

Then met someone who was with his girlfriend, and he proceeded to tell me how he was thinking of ending things because there are so many beautiful women out here *rolls eyes*. I am so sure many other people think in the same line, I think if the variety is too much, do not get committed to one person, if you know you wanna sample other ‘spices’.

On a totally unrelated story, it is so not cool when people contribute to other people’s first impressions of you. I was really exposed by my friends ha ha ha which was so below the belt.

This weekend I got exactly what I wanted, it was unbelievable because I never thought it would be feasible really, second time around 😉 But I got it and it was amazing, cannot stop thinking about it!

I also had to drive for a long distance in Saturday night’s downpour, it was very scary but I got to my destination in one piece, think I am getting a good handle on this driving thing.

In a nutshell, my weekend was sensational, definitely a great start to October 🙂



Thank God It’s Friday!!!!

Imagine I was so ready to rock a dress today, that is why it rained all night long lol. But hey, the weekend is here 🙂

I am excited about

tomorrow 🙂 Get to mingle with new people, hope it’s fun.

Today I Am Feeling

a little unwell, this is a bad trending my body is following..

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

This Weekend I

plan on having a good time as usual 🙂

I am really craving

I wish

I had brighter colored clothes, on my shopping list!

I hope

they call me 😦

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is

‘Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you’ll find one at the end of your arm.’

Have A Fantastic Friday!!!!





Ice Princess

I love weekends especially now that I have made it a habit to do something new, fun and interesting whenever I get a chance. This past weekend I went ice skating with a friend and it was so much fun. The whole idea of ice skating was frightening to be honest, since I have never really roller bladed or skated thanks to my over protective dad, so I was so sure I would suck at it. The skating rink is at Panari Sky Centre on Mombasa Road, 2nd floor next to Dream Theatres. It costs 700 Kshs to skate for an hour, the first thing you notice at the paying booth is all the rules you must observe at the skating rink. No food and drinks are allowed on the rink, no normal shoes on the ice, and other rules that I do not remember. The roller skates were definitely not what I expected, have you watched those movies where some guy’s throat was sliced using the blade of a roller skate? The blade is not as sharp, and walking on the skates is just like walking with heels on.

Walking on ice is a totally different story, it is super slippery so you have to be extra careful as you get inside the rink.

The rink

For us beginners, you are advised to hold onto the edge of the rink for dear life as you try your hand at skating. The instructor who was there advised us to skate with your feet forming a V shape and to keep your knees slightly bent. That was the end of the instructions, imagine!! He was not very helpful clearly, so we had to wing it.
The penguins on the rink are used to help you keep your balance by holding onto them.
Another instructor came onto the ice, and what a braggart, he was busy gliding over the ice like the pro he is.
He was more helpful, and he made me go skate in the centre of the ice, far away from safety.
It was a fun experience, I would love to do it again, maybe with enough practise I can be able to skate without holding on to anything.




Thank God It’s Friday!!

The weekend is here 🙂 🙂

I am excited about

the simple things, the little things, life is exciting right now *thumbs up*

Today I Am Feeling

eyeray (sp) *Jamaican voice* :p

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

This is such a cool song, cannot wait for the video to drop.

This Weekend I

plan on continuing my quest to try out new things, and to finish up some project of mine.

I am really craving

something cheesy, chickeny and avocadoey.

I wish

that all these accidents, tragedies and death’s plaguing Kenya will come to an end now.

I hope

I do not start getting ahead of myself because of what I heard. Nothing has changed, just this knowledge made me wonder, but hmmm we will see..

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is

‘Whatever you attempt, go at it with spirit. Put some in!’

Have A Fabulous Friday!!!


Glass Shattering, Mind boggling

Remember the episode for How I Met Your Mother where you get that glass shattering moment after you discover something about someone?

Well that was me last week, I discovered somethings which I really did not like which yet again made me loose faith in people. I wish people would put more thought into their actions and would try not to make so many mistakes. I guess to err is human so I have accepted that, but it does make me a bit afraid and sort of lost…

If people who are good can do messed up things, is there hope for anyone? Can they redeem themselves?

I met an idiot of a man this past weekend, he does not even deserve to be called a man, more of an animal nkt!

But I did get to kick it with some many cool people and I had a ball, though yesterday I was barely a human being, my body cannot handle partying like it used to before.

September seems to be crash an open bar party month, crashed a party on Friday night *thumbs up*

Turns out men who are not so easy on the eye compensate it with charm, 6 packs  and humor 🙂 I honestly can say I do not have a type because the people I seem to be drawn to are so different.

Certain things were said by someone, they were awesome to hear, but I am very skeptical about whether they will be acted upon, and if I can wait that long, but we will see…

So as I had planned, I visited The Giraffe Centre in Karen, yes I had never been there before and I was on a mission to get a nice big wet one from a giraffe, that was before I saw it’s tongue and lips!

It’s tongue is extremely long and it oozes saliva which is slimy and shiny. The tongue has a very rough texture whoch could be felt when you fed it the food pellets, which it grabbed with it’s tongue.

Not my hand :p


So that was my weekend, I am eagerly awaiting next weekend’s adventure 🙂



Thank God It’s Friday!!!!!

I swear this week has really dragged, felt like it was an 8 day week!!!

I am excited about

fried chickiiin :p

Today I Am Feeling

nonchalant …. disappointed in someone smh.

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

This Weekend I

am going to show some giraffes some love 🙂


I am really craving

all of my hearts desires.

I wish

there were more success stories out there rather than horror stories.

I hope

I get what I want *fingers crossed*.

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is

photo plus more quotes from here

Have A Fabulous Friday!!!!!
