
Thank God It’s Friday!!!!

There is nothing ati so special about this day, but I saw this picture and thought, this is a great and optimistic way to view each new day. Let us all rejoice and be glad in it.

I am excited about

December…  I cannot help but be hopeful.

Today I Am Feeling

no particular emotion, which is not a bad thing.

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

Blessed - Avicii talented kid this one!

This Weekend I

will re-embark on an adventure already taken 🙂

I am craving

pizza, it’s been a while.

I wish

he would get completely out of my head.

I hope

I can have something substantial to hope for next Friday 🙂

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is

‘And the trouble is, if you do not risk anything, you risk even more.’

Have A Fabulous Friday!!!!

Take Care ~ Drake’s sophomore album

photo courtesy of  OVOXO

Take Care was leaked 9 days before it’s official release date, I wonder what effect that will have on his album sales. This LP is a more mellow and rhythmic production from Drake, not really focusing on Rap.  This album has already received a lot of criticism; let us see how the industry will perceive it.

The following is my take on some of the songs on this album:

Crew love

I love the instrumentals on this joint, and the vocals done by The Weeknd are good, kinda sounds like Trey Songs.

Take Care

Rihanna does the hook for the song, and she sounds awesome. These two clearly create magic together when they collaborate. The lyrics for this song are amazing and I like the interlude, sounds like something Timberland would do.

That truth hurts, and those lies heal.

Marvins Room

Everybody who has just gotten out of a relationship can relate to this song. Numerous covers were done, most popularly Jojo’s cover which is the female version of the song. The song was originally not slated for this album, but was included due to it’s tremendous success.

Make me Proud ft. Nicki Minaj

The hook, which is repetitive, just sticks in your head, inadvertently making it catchy in its own right.

I still find it shocking that Nicki can sing, and she does it well.

Lord Knows ft Rick Ross

I love the whole choir thing going on in this track, they really give the song some oomf. Rick Ross and Drake pair up once again to make yet another hit.

The hustles an art, I painted what I could think.

Camera/Good ones go

The only thing I like about this song is the chorus, I do not like Drake’s monotone voice in this song.

The interlude, The good ones go, has some amazing lyrics and we are exposed to Drake’s singing prowess.

Doing it wrong ft Stevie Wonder

This is definitely not the right type of music to listening to if you are in a troubling relationship. Drake belts it all out in this song, talking about how things are not going right. I really wish Stevie Wonder had contributed vocally not just instrumentally. I think he would have added a little something to the song.

The real her ft Lil Wayne and Andre 3000

Lil Wayne and Andre 3000 save this song from being luck luster in my opinion, they sound good and have great lyrics.

HYFR ft Lil Wayne

Finally Drake goes hard on this joint and shows us that although he has gone all soft in this album, he still has something for people who like rap.

Lil Wayne is on the hook which is quite catchy.

Look what you’ve done

‘it’s just words, but they cut deep.’

The lyrics on this song  make a good story, but apart from that it doesn’t really appeal to me much.


I really like this song, and the instrumentals remind me of some old hip hop song, which I do not recall right now.

I haven’t yet heard track number 17 and 18 yet, I am hoping they will be out of the Take Care box if that makes sense.


Debauchery at it’s finest!

That is the best way to describe this past weekend, which was just insane! Feels like my weekend was a week long. The madness begun on Friday and ended yesterday and despite the craziness, the following are the discoveries, lessons, thoughts and sentiments from the events that unfolded:

  • If you want guaranteed fun, crash a party.
  • Do not mix drinks, do not ignore this statement!
  • Heels, short skirts and dresses, wedges are all unwise wardrobe choices for rugby.
  • Awkward moments come and go, and afterwards they just make great stories.
  • Everybody is somebodies ex.
  • I am so weak yet strong willed at the same time.
  • You can tell when someone is up to no good, yet you still find yourself drawn to them.
  • Every time I interact with you, I realize that I made the best decision.
  • Safari Sevens had eye candy galore! I have never seen so many beautiful men #swoon.
  • First impressions sometimes can be false. Give people more chances, you will discover they are awesome.
  • My ego was really massaged this weekend, I am such a pretty girl but do i say 😉
  • I had missed looking up at someone, and being on tipy toes.
  • I was meant to be on my best behavior, but i ended up seriously misbehaving he he he.
  • People who are not so easy on the eye, make up for it by being extremely charming.
  • Those biceps, that torso……
  • Moving Safari Sevens to Nyayo Stadium was the best decision ever, VIP all the way, though I am currently tres broke, but it was well worth it.
  • The signs are everywhere, you just have to have a keen eye, do not ignore them.
  • Some men are such leeches, why get married if you know you will just creep around?
  • Some women take too much bull from men.
  • Do not accept to eat ‘food’ from places you do not know.
  • Sharing is caring 🙂
That, in a nut shell is a round up of the goings on of my weekend. It may not make sense to you, but it does to me 🙂


Thank God It’s Friday!!!!!


It has been one hell of a week, every day felt like a Monday Moanday I am so glad the weekend is finally here. I have a busy day lined up today, but it’s no biggy.

I am excited about

the weekend, which promises good things.

Today I am Feeling

ish ish, some people are being idiots smh but I wont let them phase me *kanye shrug*.

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

I heart this song, uber cool 🙂

This Weekend I

may go for rugby, I may not?? I dunno -_-

I am craving



I wish

I had more patience…

I hope

it does not rain this weekend, and that Al Shabab stay away.

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is

‘Every production of genius must be the production of enthusiasm.’

Have A Fantastic Friday!!!

In celebration of this being my 300th post, this is for you my loyal wonderful readers 🙂

Lottsa Love,

1st of the month

What a fantastic start to November, the sun is shining so brightly, it could only be a sign of amazing things to come.

October Highlights

October was a spectacular month, met some fantastic new people, discovered some really cool places to hang out and pass time at. Took my cousin shooting, which was lots of fun as documented here.

October was more about partying than adventures, I need more ideas on what cool adventures to embark on, so feel free to hit me up with some.

So yes, I went out a lot, did  a lot of dancing and mingling which was cool. Celebrated with my friends on their birthdays, kicked it with my pals on random days, sampled cocktails, oogled at pretty men, attended exclusive parties, it’s been real October 🙂

I became an aunty this month once again, though I have not met my niece yet, I am certain she is nothing but precious.

We celebrated my mother’s birthday too, we had a wonderful dinner which she loved. I pray she is blessed with many more years to come.

I got my cheap thrills from certain characters 😉

I had last week off and I had such a lovely time. Vegetated in bed, frolicked at all the major malls, got to hang out with my family and friends, watched enough tv to fry my brains go figure, no wonder back to work has been so difficult.

October Downsides

My wallet got stolen last week 😦 My ID and my Chinese symbol silver stud went with it. The wallet is more of a purse, red in color, designed by Gucci, a gift from my aunt 😦

I got most of my cards back but I had to go apply for another ID in Kibera which was pretty fast. Now I have to wait to go collect the card.

October Discoveries

Al Shabaab and this whole thing of Kenya invading Somalia, we are all on red alert right now which is quit unnerving.

I discovered I have to be careful about the things I say and who I  chose to say them too. Trust no one…

I do not like being smothered, my folks have raised me to be independent, they let me be.

When it comes to men, I do not want to settle. If you want me, come get me. If I want you, I have not decided if I will come after you yet :p this only applies to available men.

What I look forward to in November

I am still debating about whether I will go for Safaricom 7s or not…

I look forward to more fun times 🙂

I think I want to participate in NaNoWriMo, still deciding if I can hack writing 50,000 words in 30 days, but I will give it a short, you should too 🙂

How was October for you? What are you looking forward to in the month of November?

Candy and kisses,


For some strange reason, I always seem to attract the wrong kind of guys. By wrong I mean the taken ones, owned by people I know or previously belonged to them.
Honestly this trend is beginning to disturb me a lot. Why can’t I just attract normal available men only?
What is wrong with these men? Why are they drawn to me knowing I know the people they have been with? Or does that not matter?
Ok fine, it is sorta flattering but that is the last thought on my mind. I just feel guilty, and sad that they are wasting other girls time.
I also met an acquaintance, he got married too soon, and now he claims he is separated. We all knew he was not the marriage type, how come he did not? He is now back to his skirt chasing ways.
I got wind of more people who are expecting this week. I am no longer drinking tap water lol. How much are condoms by the way? Or is it that they do not work anymore?
Has everyone decided this is the right time to procreate and I never received the memo? (Not that I would jump on that band wagon, but if I was kept in the loop I would stop getting so shocked)
On a different note, I feel like things have changed. I am no longer looking forward to December anymore, simply because I do not know what our state of mind or situation will be…
So yeah, many things have made me smh.

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yadda yadda yadda

Dance and House music has taken over my life! Listening to it just makes me happy and excited, I am totally loving it!

If there is something I have noticed about myself, it is the fact that I lack patience, it is a virtue that I keep praying for profusely. Let us hope that prayer will be answered soon, because I need it in this line of work.

So Kenya has supposedly gone to war with Somalia,  and that right there totally freaks me out. We are already hearing about Al Shabab planning to attack tall buildings in Nairobi and what not.  It is such a sad situation and I am really fearing for our country. God’s speed to all of our noble troops, may God be with them and let this not escalate like the war in Iraq.

Lately, I seem to be discovering people I know are expecting children or have become parents, or are getting engaged. This is all truly overwhelming!! Every day it is a new surprise, I wonder why I am still getting shocked about it. I just hope this does not result in me getting unnecessary pressure to jump the broom, create a bun in the oven etc I have always known that I may not necessarily be the marriage type, now what is concerning is that other people agree with me smh. Anyhoosmu, only God can judge me and he knows what my future holds.



Thank God It’s Friday!!!!

Nairobi is experiencing a cold and gloomy morning, hopefully things will brighten up soon.

I am excited about

braiding my hair, haven’t put braids in a while.

Today I am Feeling

lazy 😉

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

What’s it gonna be: Busta Rhymes feat Janet Jackson.

This Weekend I

wanna chill, I know I say this all the time, but I will try really hard to actually do it.

I am craving


I wish

traffic would just reduce, I am tired of having to wake up super early and vegetate in traffic forever 😦

I hope

it does not rain tonight.

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is

Have A Fantastic Friday!!

Keep warm,


Pink Ribbon Swag

I had originally named this post ‘Neo soul sucks’, but this post turned out to be more meaningful than just a rant about how boring Neo soul is.



I have never been a fan of Neo soul music, I find it boring and monotonous. I prefer listening to upbeat music, which I can dance or bop my head to. Music has a strong influence on my emotions, hence I prefer music that will make me happy and excited. Neo Soul makes me feel sad and bored, so I avoid listening to that genre as much as possible.

There are however, a few exceptions to that rule, certain artists who sound simply amazing and have superior singing prowess. Of course India Arie is one of those, who doesn’t love her? Her boyfriend, Musiq Soulchild (Are they still together?) is another neo soul artist I cannot help but love, and Yes a single from his latest album is a joint I am really feeling.

I youtubed the video, just now when I decided to blog about the song, and I was amazed to discover that the song’s video is about Breast Cancer survival and the video features breast cancer survivors. This video makes the song even more special I think. Though I dunno who they are trying to fool, we can all see that chic has a lace front weave, which is supposedly falling out. Apart from that, the video is really touching and very fit seeing that October is breast cancer awareness month.

I haven’t been screened this year, I sort of need to psych myself up for it seeing that the process involves being felt up by a stranger. Kinda makes me wish I had a man who could do it for me 😉 But to create awareness about Breast Cancer, I won’t prance about bra-less like some people how does that create awareness? and some of us cannot biologically afford to do that lol but I will rock my pink ribbons every day. Let’s hope I will get the courage to go get screened as soon as possible.

Cancer is eliminating so many people, someone needs to come up with a cure.

Take care of your tittays,

The shooting range

I finally am getting around to doing the post on my at the shooting range. This was not my first visit there, I had been there like 2 or 3 years ago with some of my mates.

We were there to shoot air pistols, and the charges are 42o Kshs if you are not a student. This caters for 3 Bulls eye’s and 30 rounds of bullets.

Air Pistol
Bulls eye
The bullets
The range

So the bulls eyes are mounted on the strings and you determine how far you want your target to be while you are shooting.

The instructor guides you on how to use the air pistol, which is a bit heavy. He shows you the proper way to hold it, and how to use the view finder to determine where to shoot the target.

While shooting, you are required to stand below the yellow line you can see on the range in the picture above, with your legs in a 9 o’clock position, but your body facing frontwards.

You are meant to shoot 10 rounds on each bulls eye. Here is one of my good shots.

Essentially you are meant to hit the black circle of the bulls eye, so the more shots you hit there, the higher the score you get.

There is another range for revolvers or whatever real guns are called. The room is sound proof and has bigger bulls eyes than the ones for the air pistols.

The walls are line with egg trays to make the room sound proof. The sound of a gun being shot is super loud, it felt like I  had busted my ear drums! They provide ear muffs to cushion the sound and protect your ears. The orange bucket you see down there is filled with bullet casings, I wanted to collect some to make something but it is illegal if you are found with bullet casings and you are not licensed to own a fire arm.

I had the privilege of shooting this here gun, and the instructor tricked me and it just went off! I thought I was practicing how to shoot without a bullet, shock on me!

This gun is much lighter, and easier to handle than the air pistol. It is soo cool cocking it, makes you feel so gangster. Thanks to CSI I was busy thinking to myself, ‘My hands have gun residue.’ :p cheap thrills.

But after that experience, I never ever want to be shot with a gun, it is like really loud and I am sure it would be an extremely painful experience. Forget what they say, guns kill people!

Photos courtesy of my brand spanking new camera 🙂