
Thank God It’s Friday!!!


I am excited about

seeing where this will go…

Today I Am Feeling

giddy 🙂

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

I am in love with this song, it was released last Friday. Sage is so talented, I am in awe!

  This Weekend I

need to get my hair did, and to check out my pals new crib, again 🙂

I am really craving

cocktails from Onami …

I wish

I could get time to go shopping, my wardrobe is in dire need of an update.

I hope

this back pain goes away, it is really killing me :-/

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is


Have A Lovely Friday 🙂

Soccer, the true apple of most men’s eyes


Yesterday will go down in history as the day men were extremely emotional, all over the world. They weeped, and moaned about their broken hearts all over the internet about how sad they were that their precious Sir Alex Ferguson was leaving Manchester United. Big friggin woop!

Personally, I am not a soccer fan, let alone a Manchester United fan, so I honestly do not give a damn. I was however amused by how emotional men were, this being the gender who consider themselves good at controlling and hiding their emotions.

When it comes to women, you never see them profess their love, or express how sad they are about having lost a woman, or having their hearts broken. Why is it that men can express so much about soccer, but seem emotionless when it comes to matters of the heart?

Does this mean they invest more emotions on football than in their relationships? Am I wrong in assuming that men value soccer more than their relationships?

If you saw your ex all weepy about Fergie retiring yesterday, and witnessing him express his heartbreak all over your timeline, yet he did not even give an indication that he was sad when you guys broke up, then I feel very sad for you.

I cannot understand how men go through breakups as if they feel nothing, but act like it is the end of the world because the coach of their favourite football team retired, or because their favourite player was leaving for another team. It makes no sense to get so emotionally attached to  people who have no clue that you exist and have no emotional connection to you.

Men already view love as a game, maybe they should think of chasing a woman like chasing the ball, scoring will be scoring literally, finding another woman could be viewed as leaving for another football team. Dating could be winning the premier league, getting married as winning the champions league, I think you get my drift now.

I have been lucky enough never to have gotten involved with a man who is a soccer fanatic, but sometimes I wonder whether I would be able to hack being with such a man. I am a selfish person, I need to be a man’s top priority, I cannot be jealous about a friggin sport!


Page 460

Ever since I was in Standard 2 aka 2nd grade, when I scored 19/20 in my willy wonka like composition, I always thought I was good at writing. I did not fare too badly in my compositions after that, but all I knew was that writing was something I enjoyed doing. I think I have had like 5 journals in my lifetime, 3 of which I still possess, and thoroughly enjoy reading, and now Revealed, which is my somewhat online journal.

Since its inception in 2009, this blog has been a place where I can write my rights and wrongs, think, and share my thoughts and things that I learn during my journey in this so called life. It is a little piece of me on the interwebs.

Whenever someone passes on, we all have regrets about not knowing the person well enough as you would have liked to. So when that time comes and I go to the light *knocks on wood and rethinking about whether I should have said this, because if that ever happens people may read this post and wonder whether I knew it was coming, okay I do not wanna die -_-* kindly share this with those who know me, especially my family. Hopefully they will find it as insightful and entertaining as I do whenever I read my old posts.

I like to document the lessons that life teaches me, and try as often to refer to this place so that I do not forget. For if we do not learn from our mistakes, how will we learn and grow?

This is also the only place where I can ‘speak’ openly, without fear of judgment, or stepping on other peoples toes, or just getting many questions. To be honest, I am not good at the whole being free about my thoughts in the real world, I do not want my words to fall on deaf ears, or to hurt anyone’s feelings, or blow a fuse.  Here, I am freed from the prison that is my thoughts, my head.

Who here considers themselves to be a sensitive person? Does this make you over sensitive to the feelings of others? I think that’s what I have, but to the power of 4.

Have you ever discovered something about someone that you had no clue about? As in you totally did not see it coming at all?! Well, that is not me, my life is pretty much an open blog. Do I tell you everything? Ummmhh probably not, but this basically sums it all up.

Now that I am in my late twenties (groan!! ) I am now trying to find my place in this world. Everyone else seems to be finding their footing, and I am just going in blindly, as if I am trying to find the light switch in the dark.  Everyone is getting married, acquiring property, making babies, making millions, evolving, while I am here, blogging and tweeting (There is a gif somewhere for this, but I do not have time to search for it.)

Be that as it may, I am extremely happy for everyone finding themselves. Other people’s happiness actually fills me with joy, and hope. I was okay with my current situation, but yeah, the pressure is getting to me I must admit. I strongly believe that I will soon get whatever it is that I am waiting for, so I will be patient just as God wants me to be.  He does his will at his own time, and I will not pressure him for he has his reasons, and he knows what is best for me.

I am 26 years old, single, without a masters degree, having never made a million, and nowhere near making a million, with no property in my name, who is currently being punished by her unfertilized ovaries lol and for now, this is enough.

I also need to work on being a better person, a better daughter, relative, friend, and colleague. I am not where I need to be as a human being, I acknowledge that I have been doing poorly in certain areas given recent developments. But I will try to do better.

So here is hoping that by the time we reach post number 500, some things will have changed, like the person that I am, the numbers in my bank account, the length of my CV, the smiles on my face and the joy in my heart.





Chum is fum

I miss spongebob square pants, and I needed a cool blog post title 🙂

So today I fell for the hype and finally checked out QUEEN by Janelle and Erykah Badu, this song is beyond awesome!!!

It is impossible not to love this song and the video. Now I just want Mac Ruby Woo lipstick, false eye lash, a tuxedo blazer with crazy shoulder pads and a sassy high bun updo and break it down on some random dance floor 🙂

I also stumbled upon this article which has given me so much food for thought about my life as a 20 something year old. I suggest you read it, I am just blogging about it because I will need to refer to this in future.

Gifs like this are the ones that give me crazy and silly ideas

baby2yeah you should probably hide your kids :p

So I had a lovely weekend, went to school, had some good ol retail therapy, did some DIY, hanged out with my family, it was pretty neat. Hope you guys had a lovely one.

Kisses and cookies 🙂


Thank God It’s Friday!!!!

It has been a whirlwind of a day thus far. Woke up to shocking news that  my friend’s dad had passed, and my cousin gave birth to a bouncing baby boy. Funny how God works in mysterious ways, we can do nothing but trust in his ways, even if they sometimes may not make sense to us at all.

I am excited about

nothing much, seeing the class hottie today, now that our days are numbered sigh…

Today I am Feeling

happy, sad, close to tears, smiley, it is all so confused :-/

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

I still cannot get over how awesome Kikoy Culture was, especially because of Mat Zo!

This Weekend I

will be going for bag that bead, come one, come all 🙂


I am really craving


I wish

death wouldn’t be so sad, and painful.

I hope

what I think is gonna happen today, waits till I get home -_-

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is

“The day which we fear as our last is but the birthday of eternity.”
Lucius Annaeus Seneca – Roman Statesman

Have A Fantastic Friday!!!

1st of the month

Hello lovers,

Last week I actually got a text asking me to update my blog XD. I did not mean to neglect you guys, I just do not have much to blog about.  My life now revolves around work and school, and I am now officially killing my social life until June. I need to get serious with my school work. non Anyhoo it is a brand spanking new month, and I am hoping I will be able to get serious with my studies. may2

April Highlights

So nothing much has been going on with me, I am like exactly the same, but rocking box braids lol. I had to get some done after seeing how ferosh Baddey Bey looked in them! bey But no one ever told me how heavy they are, especially this high bun, I have only rocked it once for 15 minutes. I am having a lot of fun with them though I must admit. Here is a cool youtube channel about great ideas on how to style box braids and make up tutorials.

My friends achieved a lot this month, 2 of them moved out, 2 others bought new cars, 1 got a new job, another got married, I revel in their success and I am so proud and happy for them 🙂

April Downsides

My car just had issue after issue, le sigh. I need to work hard and by something from the showroom 🙂

April Discoveries

I am performing very poorly when it comes to life lol

What I Look Forward To In May

The arrival of 2 babies 🙂


How was April for you? and what are you looking forward to in May?


Thank God It’s Friday!!!

and thank God for 3 day weeks 🙂 happy is me!

I am excited about

kikoy culture, I have been jonesing to attend another 6 am gig.

Today I Am Feeling

easy peasy … kama madizi forshizii

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

This Weekend I

wont be doing much seeing that I am broke :-/

I wish

my car would quit being so problematic, it has too many issues grrr

I hope

this rainy season ends soonest, I am not feeling this weather at all.

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is



Have A Fabulous Friday 🙂


Thank God It’s Friday!!!!

Yaa bish
Yaa bish

I am excited about

2 free days next week 🙂

Today I Am Feeling

excited for some reason, and confused about what to do tonight, there is so much going down today.

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

sigh, someone tell JT i love him!!!

This Weekend I

will have a 4 day weekend, again 🙂 #envyme

I am really craving



I wish

I would have more psych to read, I feel so guilty that I never feel like doing it.

I hope

it wont rain this weekend.

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is


Have A Fantastic Friday!!!