
Thank God It’s Friday!!!!!

Kenyans have never been more excited to usher in the weekend like today if you like rugby that is.

I am excited about

The Safari Sevens Tournament going down this weekend woop woop. Here are a few pics I took from last years tournament after Kenya emerged victors.

Yes I was upclose and personal with all the action 🙂
We want another 1, just like the other one! Let's go Kenya!
With Kenya's own mascot *read as mchawi*

Today I am Feeling

anxious, excited, and in no mood to do anything constructive 🙂

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

Words cannot describe how much i dig this song!

This Weekend I

am indulging in some hardcore rugby and looking forward to catching up with people I have not seen in a while.

I am really craving


At 9:00 I am dashing to the canteen to get myself a samosa fix!

I wish

it will not rain till Monday please God??

I hope

this is not just another fake promise….

Today’s Inspirational Quote is

I heart Marilyn Monroe

Have A Fun-Filled Friday!!!!


Thank God It’s Friday!!!!!!!

I am definitely reclaiming my Fridays from today!

I am excited about

my boy’s birthday tonight 🙂

Party like its 2012 🙂

Today I am feeling


My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

Radio - STL

This particular picture is from the video shoot for her new joint ‘Favorite’ check out her website for a free download.

This weekend I

am planning on chilling out, no late nights except tonight and bonding with the girls.

I am really craving

all you can eat buffet at Fogo Gaucho, that meat was just heavenly 🙂

I wish

I had not worn this skirt, it is shorter than I had anticipated, and it looks like it’s gonna rain today 0_O

I hope

my pessimistic view of life did not come bite me in the ass 😦 I think it kinda did….

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is

Joshua 1:9
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Have a Fantastic Friday!!!


Thank God It’s Friday!!!!

Is it just me, or has this week flown?? It was just Monday the other day! But I won’t complain love it.

I am excited about

Sunday 🙂

Today I am Feeling


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My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

Gallis Medley. That is like my ultimate feel good song, found out its name this week. If you hear a loud scream when it starts playing wherever you may be, that’s me.

This weekend I

am gonna shop till I drop, have some fun, and meet some people.

I am really craving

I want geeky spectacles, and girly stunners both of which i do not have.

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I wish

life was not so short, and unpredictable when it comes to how long we get to live it. I wish people, things and circumstances did not have to change.

I hope

things go well on Sunday, I am excited and nervous all at the same time 0_O

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is

Have a Feel Good Friday!!!!


Thank God It’s Friday!!!!!!

Wow it’s been a while, but I’m back and hopefully this will go back to being a weekly post 🙂

I am excited about

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the new developments in my life 🙂

Today I am feeling

free, happy despite the rain, I am a pocket full of sunshine 🙂

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

Up, Up and Away

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This weekend I

am indulging in some full on rest and relaxation, I can’t be forever young all the time.

I am really craving

I dunno, a beach, new shoes, him…

I wish

my new computer hard audio hardware, i need to listen to my music!!

I hope

things do not get complicated, I like that my life is no longer stressful.

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is

Have A Fantabulous Friday!!!!


Thank God It’s Friday!!!!

Circumstances have changed so i might not always get to do TGIFridays every Friday religiously 😦

I am excited about

my cousin flying in with her family and meeting my nephew for the first time 🙂

Today I am Feeling

Drifting where the wind will take me...

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

Crush - Paramore

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This weekend I

plan on catching up with people I have not seen in a while.

I am really craving


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I wish

I never took my idleness before for granted, I miss having free time 😦

I hope

I wasnt given something to hope for just for it to crush and burn. My hopes are not up yet, but at least I know what to pray for specifically.

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is

‘Flaming enthusiasm, backed up by horse sense and persistence, is the quality that most frequently makes for success.’

Have a Fun Friday!!!!







Thank God It’s Friday!!!!

Today is picture edition day yet again 🙂

I am excited about

Belated birthday gift

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Today I am Feeling


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and I wanna


My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

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This weekend I

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I am really craving

Goulish cupcake

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I wish

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I hope

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Today’s Inspirational Quote Is


Have a Fantastic Friday!!


Thank God It’s Friday!!!!!

I have never been so glad that its Friday more than today!!!

I am excited about

getting out the cobwebs in my wallet.

Financial Freedom...

I love butterflies, they are soo pretty….

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Today I am feeling


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Sad and hurt. Someone went to great lengths to erase me from their life, even though I did nothing wrong. Someone else doesnt want to be reached 😦

It sucks knowing that some people want nothing to do with you, but I will just let them be it’s their loss.

Make everyone happy that you possibly can,, even if it means leaving them alone ~ RevRunWisdom

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

Starstrukk by 3OH!3 featuring Katy Perry. I love the whistling and my favorite line is

‘L.O.V.E is just another word I’ll never pronounce’

Katy Perry in her hot pink dress

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This weekend I

am gonna get my hair did, and I will shop till I drop!! Another of my friends is leaving on sunday. Thank God February is almost over!!!

I am really craving

new clothes!!!

I wish

life was easier, and care free with no problems at all.

I hope

next month will ROCK!!

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is

‘One only gets to the top rung of the ladder by steadily climbing up one at a time.’

Have a Fabulous Friday!!


Thank God I’ts Friday!!!!

I can now proudly say that TGIFridays has now become part of my regime, I do not care anymore that no one ever does their TGIFridays on the comments like I had hoped for, I do not care whether you read it or not, it is just an outlet for me and I like it. But for those who do read it, thanks a bunch, much appreciated 🙂

Today this is the pictorial edition of TGIFridays 🙂

I am excited about


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Today I am feeling


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My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

Shots! Shots! Shots!

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This weekend I

Fun Times

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I am really craving

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I wish

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I hope

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Today’s Inspirational Quote Is


Have A Feel Good Friday!!!

xxx V xxx


Thank God It’s Friday!!!!

To be honest, for once I am not stoked that Friday is here…

I am excited about

being home alone this weekend!! woop woop

Today I am feeling

so sad and teary. One of my bestest friends is flying out tonight, and it is really tasking trying to keep it together. I am gonna miss her SO SO MUCH

Goodbye my friend

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

Skip to my loo by whoever sang it, just because my friend learnt the dance last Saturday, and I am sure it will continue reminding me of her 🙂

This weekend I

am not giving in to all of this Valentines bullshit. It is not because I am single FYI, even when there were men in my life, I never bothered with this so called holiday. So if at all I must show love just because this day says so, maybe I will go show some abandoned animals love.

I am really craving


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I really want bamboo earrings, how awesome would some with my name in them look like?!

I still never got to eat pizza so I am still craving that as well.

I wish

my dear friend who I cherish with all my heart, all the best in this new venture in her life. May she have the time of her life even if its without me 😦 and may God be with her, and bring her back to us safely.

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I hope

I do not cry at work, best way to avoid that is not listening to stupid slow jams and neo soul uuurrrghhh. I hope I get to see my friend before she goes…

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is

‘A work well begun is half done.’

Have A Fabulous Friday!!!!!!!

xxx V xxx


Thank God It’s Friday!!!!!

The weekend is upon us once again 🙂

I am excited about

nothing really. I have nothing to look forward to, and I have given up on getting my hopes up because these days I get disappointed too much hence no need.

I just realised I have been skipping this segment the past 2 Fridays, my bad 🙂

Today I am feeling

anxious, weird, apprehensive, nostalgic in a bad way uuurggghh, hopeful, many emotions are going through me right now..

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

Medicine by Plies feat Keri Hilson

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Keri Hilson just kills it on the hook. I love how she says medisen 🙂

This weekend I

wanna chill out a bit, I am not exactly sure what I will be up to though..


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I really really really want pizza or something really cheesy, dang this pictures are not helping 😦

I wish

I felt nothing, that it would not affect me, but it does and i hate it!!! I wish all our current situations would get better.

I hope

my new efforts will not go in vain, and that they will bear delicious fruits.

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is

‘I don’t wait for moods ~ You accomplish nothing if you do that ~ Your mind must know it has got to get down to earth.’

Have a Fantastic Friday!!!

xxx V xxx