1st of the month

I owe you guys 2 1st of the months, for May and for June. I was not able to do the one for May, and to be honest, I just got lazy. But in a nutshell, May was hectic because of school, met some interesting people and it was low key and chilled out.



June Highlights

Blankets and Wine is always a fun way to usher in the new month, got to kick it with my cousin and friends, definitely had a blast.

June was a very happy month for a friend of mine, a huge milestone went down and I was glad to have witnessed it 🙂

I finally finished the certification I was studying for, the results are almost out, can someone say tension? -_- Pray for me.

My friend was in Nairobi and the plot was really lost, definitely had a blast. Discovered some new cool places which I will definitely visit once again.

New babies, new engagements, new homes, people are really growing up, and I am just here blogging :p

This month was entertaining to say the least, from douches, bad spellers, to other nice things 🙂

Also, it was a great month in terms of music. We witnessed the release of Born Sinner, Yeezus and The Gifted.

June Downsides

I still dont have my weekends back, one more Saturday and I am free.

I got food poisoning coupled with a horrid hangover smh that day was not fun.

Some things may never be the same again …

June Discoveries

Maybe I care much more than I would like to admit..

Free booze is a horrid thing!

Appreciate all the people around you, they may not be here forever.

If you want something long enough, you just might get it 😉

What I Look Forward to in July

The endless birthday parties, this month is always epic 🙂


How was the month of June for you?



Thank God It’s Friday!!!


I am excited about

my friends birthday tomorrow 🙂

Today I Am Feeling

a bit sleepy, but good all the same.

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

  This Weekend I

will not get to chill -_-

I am craving

a seven cocktail maybe…

I wish

all this drama would just end already, but it is what it is…

I hope

God answers all our prayers, there are a coupla things I am apprehensive about, but he is in control 🙂

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is


Have A Fabulous Friday!!!!


Thank God It’s Friday!!!


I am excited about

having my Friday nights back \o/

Today I Am Feeling

happy 🙂

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

This Weekend I

am freeeee 🙂

I am craving

nothing, I am too content with life to want anything right now.

I wish

the sun would shine already, this weather sucks big time.

I hope

I do not get that phone call tomorrow *chuckles*

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is

”Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all.”

Have A Fantastic Friday 🙂


Scandal: Take a bite and savour

Olivia: “I am not a toy that you can play with when you’re bored or lonely or horny. I am not the girl the guy gets at the end of the movie. I am not a fantasy. If you want me, earn me! Until then, we are done.”
Fitz: “Sit with me. Sit with me and lets run out the clock. Sit with me and watch me choose you. Watch me earn you.”

This video samples Olitz in all their fiery glory. Scandal is currently one of the most talked about series, until Game of Thrones came and took over rolls eyes.

Kerry Washington stars as Olivia Pope, hot shot lawyer also known as the fixer. She is smart, a no nonsense force to be reckoned with. The fact that she is gorgeous keeps most of us glued to the screen. I love how she is always looking so prim and proper, not a single hair out of place.

let us talk about the way she struts!
let us talk about the way she struts!


She truly is a gladiator, confident in herself and her abilities as an exceptional lawyer. She is in control of her team, thinks quick on her feet, and all that she asks for from her clients is complete honesty. I think if I watched Scandal at a younger age, I would have kept my dream of becoming a lawyer alive. Olivia Pope is incredibly inspiring.

She would almost be perfect, until Fitz and Mellie come along. This is where Shonda Rhimes succeeded in making this character more human, because ultimately perfection is a lie.

It always amazes me how Olivia unravels in their presence. I get particularly disturbed whenever she interacts with Mellie, in fact I do not like her much. She becomes weak, which is contradictory to the gladiator we are accustomed to when she is fixing things. She seems ashamed, embarrassed and sometimes even afraid when she talks to Mellie. Which goes to show that she is very aware of her place as the mistress, Fitz may have her heart, but he does not truly belong to her. Also, despite the intelligent woman Olivia is, she still makes poor decisions when it comes to men like us normal people.

Let us talk about Fitz, oh Fitz sluuurrrrp

This man!


This is the man with the power to make Olivia Pope weak in the knees, and disregard her better judgement. The way she unravels in his presence is just amazing, scary even. The moment she sees him, it’s like you can feel her heart beat racing and how it overwhelms her to the point of tears. This really bothers me because I hate her crying face, she almost gives Kim Kardashian a run for her money.

Fitz and Olivia are the S.I Unit of having chemistry. I never used to understand what people meant when they said they wanted chemistry when it came to selecting a partner, but after watching Olitz live in action, I totally get it. The chemical reactions they elicit within and around each other is like a fire, consuming them and the rest of us voyeurs. In fact, people who want chemistry are setting themselves up for failure. I have never witnessed that Olitz chemistry in real life, it just seems made for tv.


Watching the 2 of them makes me yearn for that kind of intensity, where you cant take your hands off each other and nothing in the world seems right unless you are in each other’s arms. I doubt I would be able to handle it well, look at Olivia. I am not anywhere near being as strong as she is, yet Fitz is her kryptonite. Okay, I do not want a Fitz in my life, or do? I dunno..

Sometimes I wonder if their interaction is heightened by the fact that being together is them indulging in the forbidden fruit, and they make it seem so delectable. I am certain if Olivia and Fitz Olitz went public with their relationship, it would not be as hot.

I cannot wait for Season 3 of Scandal, if you are as impatient as I am, check out this fan fiction I discovered on Tumblr here. They have decided to continue the story for us, and it’s pretty interesting.

*insert title here*

I have really thought of a cool title for this blog post, but ‘The one without a title’ sounds like I had already previously used it. It has been an interesting couple of weeks for me, so much food for thought that I thought I should share or ask about even.

First up, have you met the person you think you should spend the rest of your life with? If you have, are you committed to them and taking steps to fulfill your heart’s desire? If not, why are you not committing to them?

If you still have not met that person soulmate or whatever you call it do not worry about it, we are in the same boat. I do not even think I would be able to know what that feels like, to accept someone wholly and want to be with them forever. But for those who have, I cannot help but wonder what you are waiting for. Be with that person, work towards that goal, be together. Shouldn’t it be that simple?

I write this as I think about how I am contradicting my own thoughts on how people are getting married too fast. In their defence, maybe I do not know if indeed they deem themselves to be soulmates or whatever. Yes, I do not believe in soulmates, can you tell?

I have really missed standing on tippy toes, looking dreamily into the eyes of someone dare I say special? For some reason, I keep attracting short men to my dismay. Where are all the tall brothers yo?! Sadly I need the attention so I am not in a position to use height as a deal breaker.

I am however inclined to use bad grammar as a deal breaker. How can we be together if chatting with you is an eye sore? I am not the S.I. Unit of smart, but when you write something using the same number of letters, but with the wrong spelling, on purpose, what am I supposed to think? That you are not smart? Which is the notion that I am swaying towards.

Never underestimate the seductive power of correct grammar.

I thought I had lowered my standards being single does that to you, but turns out they are still as high as ever. I blame all the smart men that I interact with. For some reason I know so many of them, and I enjoy chatting with them because I learn a lot, and get to engage in battles of wit with them. They have ruined men for me it seems. You cannot engage in witty banter with someone who cannot spell 😦 There are men who have a lot worse going for them, I have no idea why this seems to be sort of a big deal to me. I do not remember being unattracted to people with low grades when I was in school, so why should I be bothered with bad spelling on whatsapp?

Also, I was very surprised to discover that a guy who I found it very easy, and fun to talk to, had zero personality when it came to chatting on whatsapp. Oh my God, it’s like Whatsapp has become my new dating platform. I have the perfect explanation for that though, I am very poor at telephone conversations. Okay, not poor but I really dread them, I get the whole butterflies in my tummy thing which I cannot stand. Also, I really hate the fact that my mouth has no filter so speaking without getting a chance to review my thoughts is not my cuppa tea. Too bad I may never get to see him again, the way he was so gorgeous sigh… oh well *kanye shrug*

Why is it that the douche’s are the ones that are exciting, and the sweet nice guys so bland and boring?  Why are the compliments less endearing than the witty, sarcastic banter? I really need to figure this out because I am stumped. Sadly, I conform to the stereotype that girls love bad boys. But in my defence, there is nothing like a nice guy, just bad boys who have never been found out. This is a tried and tested theorem.

I think I am the bridge to the one that you love. This has happened like 4 times! It’s like I am the good luck charm, but for other people.

Anyhoosmu, moral of the story courtesy of Kush and Wisdom:



Thank God it’s Friday!!

And I’m at home, it don’t get no better!

I am excited about

Sunday, only day i will catch a break.walk

Today i am feeling

Guilty because i have barely read.

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

Be your fool by the villagers band, YouTube it.

This Weekend i

Will study a whole lot more, yeah boring i know.

I am craving

Nothing seeing that i had this for brunch today


I wish

Things hadn’t turned out this way,for but shift coulda been worse.

I hope

Sunday rocks!

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is

‘I will always belong to myself, even as many times as I’ll give myself away, and as many times as someone else will try and take it.’ @wiselar 

Have a fantastic Friday


Thank God It’s Friday!!!



I am excited about

nothing, everything is bleak till I finish masomo.

Today I Am Feeling

bored and really full, gluttony is so sinful -_-

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

The song finally came out this week, and a tweep sent me the link to this video today. Queen Bey is the ish!! I would pay hand and foot to watch her perform. Check out the thighs on these women lol and I love the choreography, I am already tryna learn all those moves 🙂

  This Weekend I

am still burying myself in books.. le sigh

I am really craving

a chilled glass of white sweet wine.

I wish

I never over did it today over lunch time, aki I cant function :p

I hope

I can continue being aloof about whatever this is going on, this must be how men manage to separate themselves from their emotions, I love it.

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is



How has your Friday been? Have a good one lovers :-*

Tuesday Muesday

I knew what I was gonna write about when I clicked on ‘Add new post’ but I saw this immediately after and needed to share it with you.



Celebrate the unique way God made you 🙂 I am imperfectly perfect, in so many ways you have no idea. And the funny thing is, what makes me different from most of you, is not what bothers me, even if ideally it should. I am fearfully and wonderfully made 🙂

Back to the main order of business. You know that moment when you suspect or discover that your relationship with someone has changed or is changing? Then you ask someone else about this change of behaviour and they confirm your suspicions which just makes things weirder because ish just got real. Yeah, that is where I am at right now, but I will not jump the gun and over think this, it could simply be someone who realised how awesome I am and decided to bask in my awesomeness 🙂

Have you ever read a blog post and wondered whether the blogger was referring to you? This must be how those Twitter bigwigs feel XD. Anyway so I stumbled upon that today, a post, which did not have my name written on it, but the situation being referred to has to be referring to me. I cannot ask about it, because I do not want to have to share about this place here, and maybe I do not want to know what exactly he was on about, he is giving me a run for my money when it comes to being cryptic though -_- It is pretty evident he wants the whole world to read it, I am totally perplexed +_+

I cannot even judge because I get how strong the urge is to write about what you feel, what is in your head. I have been dying to do it too, and maybe I will soon, once I get my thoughts straight.

How does it feel being written about? I had it coming because I had a feeling it would happen *pats self on back* this could be viewed as a compliment XD


Thank God It’s Friday!!!


I am excited about

meeting my new nephews 🙂 I will revel in that delightful baby smell!

Today I Am Feeling

happy, entertained, it has been a good day so far.

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

This is such an hot song!!

  This Weekend I

will try my best to read, I must finish 20 pages, so help me God!

I am really craving

A giant fishbowl cocktail from seven.

I wish

this world was not so small, it is getting creepy now -_-

I hope

this thing does not get weird..

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is


How’s your Friday coming along?

jibber jabber

So I was busy looking for pictures to put in this post, and stumbled upon this one. love

Food for thought huh? I am happy without love, but incomplete, which means I am not totally happy, something is missing. I do not know for a fact whether or not love is what I am missing. When I find it, I will know if it was what I was missing.

So right now I am at that point where I am struggling not to look at my phone, fighting with myself not to make the first ‘move’, I really had not missed this part right here.


Such a simple concept, but so hard to find. I  am really hating how small Nairobi is, everyone is someone’s ex, this one had a thing with that one, they were once in love. Sha! Sijui I go to Meru and look for my next boyfriend from there! Sadly, in this day and age, monogamy is a type of tree for most people. Anyone who does not believe so, hit me up on the comments 😉

I have many close guy friends, whom I love to bits and really love engaging. I learn a lot from them and they also deeply scar me as I am made privy to the actual thoughts of the less fairer sex. They entertain me immensely, make for spectacular man candy too, though they cock block me from time to time.

Recent happenings made me wonder whether we actually appreciate our loved ones enough. I know we all appreciate the people we love, but do we ever tell them that we do? Personally, I am not the most open person when it comes to my feelings, but I have come to realise I need to become more vocal about it. There are so many people out here who walk around with inner demons which we are unaware of. We could be having drinks in the club, and I would be oblivious of the turmoil going on in someone’s mind.

We think we know, but we have absolutely no idea. I wish they would give us an idea though, how will we help people who we do not even know have issues? They need to know they are not alone, and that if they let others in, they could get help, encouragement, or maybe someone who can listen to them. In the end we all just want people to hear us out, to exhale all those demons fighting in our heads.

Here is something I stumbled upon, some more food for your soul.


You can join me in promising to try my best to spread the love, to all the people I know, share the love to strangers even, because everybody deserves to be loved.