1st of the month

juneI like June, it’s always fun and entertaining, I always seem to meet new people and create fun memories during this month. I have nothing but high hopes for it.

May Highlights

What’s not to love about a month that kicks off with a public holiday? I went for a lovely pool party, though we did not swim because we are Kenyans and for some reason never follow the rules.

I got to catch up with some friends who were visiting in the country, and others who were back home after being away for so long.

Nowadays I deal with events so we have pulled off some pretty good events this past month.

I went white water rafting a few weeks ago, and it was still a blast. I didnt fall off the raft this time round \o/. I also did some zip lining and yoga. I discovered new things about my body through yoga that i had no idea about. I will definitely be exploring it more, push my body to the limit a bit.

Rekindled some old friendships, and made some new friends which I always enjoy.

I went for Fena’s album launch a few weeks ago and it was so much fun! Her star is definitely shining bright, you should cop her new album, it’s everything.

This month was filled with very many cheap thrills in matters of the opposite gender, it’s not anything that will lead anywhere but I liked the attention and the entertainment.

My friend threw this really awesome bbq this past weekend. He made the most delicious burger patties, cant get them out of my head!

May Downsides

Food Poisoning, seems like i will be getting it every month now. My tummy used to be so strong, dunno what happened.

Some people I know are going through some difficult times, I can only pray God walks them through this.

May Discoveries

It’s sad that men can do certain things, but when women do it they get punished for it.

Siku za mwizi ni arubaini.

All good things come to an end.

Sheesha is horrible for my voice and my red blood cells

What I Look Forward To in June

some more good times 🙂


How was your May? What are you looking forward to in June?



Thank God It’s Friday!!!

The week is over, and Monday is a holiday #Yeahbaby 🙂

I am excited about

the long weekend, and seeing some people…

Today I Am Feeling

some typa way…

Today’s Funky Friday Theme Song Is

I am craving

things I cant have simply because I refuse to give in :p

I wish

my stomach would just behave, it has been acting up too much last couple of months :-/

I hope

tonight wont be weird.

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is

‘The difference between the great and the insignificant is energy and invisible determination.’

Have A Fabulous Friday!!!!


6: My views on mainstream music

Yall know I love my music, it’s the air that I breathe. But what is mainstream music? Overplayed music? A genre that every musician has started prescribing to?

For me, any song by Diamond is too mainstream, infact his music bores me to death. I really feel like all his songs sound the same and he constantly keeps being overplayed everywhere.

Pitbull is mainstream as well, he became that guy who every artist collaborates with and assumes will make them automatically have a hit song.



5: Things you want to say to an ex

So do i say this to my actual exes, or to the exes I never actually dated? Yeah we live in a world where this means 2 different things but sadly, in both cases you will get hurt one way or the other. I guess it’s how deep the cut is that varies.

Never cry for someone who hurts you, just smile and say “thanks for giving me a chance to find someone better than you.”

Here are just some random thoughts I would say to some of them, in my head because such conversations are never going to go down in the foreseeable future.

  • Thank you for teaching me so much about myself. Every moment we shared was a lesson, which thankfully unlike memories do not fade away as fast.
  • I wish you nothing but joy and happiness, even if it is clearly without me, I think you still deserve it.
  • He tastes like you but even sweeter..
  • I have always wondered, what was the glass shattering moment for you? think HIMYM
  • We are both 2 very different people now, you are not the person I used to know, and you have no idea who I am now. Live your life and I will live mine.
  • Have a good life.

4: Bullet your whole day

Here’s a run through of this Monday

  • Woke up at 5:25am
  • Showered and dressed
  • Got a whatsapp from booboo
  • Left the house at 5:55am
  • Got to the petrol station at 6:30am, washed my car and put petrol.
  • Bought breakfast at the petrol station shop
  • Got to work at 7:00am, sat in the car listening to gmoney until 7:15am
  • Got to my desk, switched on the computer.
  • Read my emails, and surfed the web.
  • 9:00am to 11:00am was in my weekly status meetings
  • Caught up with the emails and missed phone calls from Noon.
  • Had lunch at my desk while i worked, i had a veggie salad and a banana.
  • Leaving the office to go shop for some work stuff
  • Hoping to get back to the office by 5pm.
  • Will catch up on work that i have missed.
  • Was hoping to go shopping at the mall, I am in desperate need of a lot of things.
  • I will go home, watch tv, then sleep


3: A book you love

I have a book in the car which I have been reading since March, and it’s about vampires *hangs head in shame* my cousin gave it to me while I was in the states and I think it’s interesting, but I just dont have time to read it. So I carry it in my car for those times when I know I have to wait for someone, or when I feel like going somewhere by myself, or at the salon. I do not remember what the book is called, so I will just direct you to the last really good book’s that I read by Paulo Coelho.

Read the reviews here.

1. Five ways to win my heart

Isn’t this the same thing as qualities I look for in a man? Which is a question I always say I cannot stand because it is usually asked by someone who may be interested, and may not necessarily possess those qualities.

This guy though made me really want to think about what exactly it is that I want, and what I have to offer.

Here are my 5:

  1. Take the time to get to know who i am, dont judge me by what people have said about me or by whatever generalizations you may have about women.
  2. Accept me for who i am wholly an completely, but still, teach me new things and help me grow.
  3. I like good conversation. Make me think, make me laugh, engage me, challenge my world view, laugh at my jokes, freak me out with your intensity, dont hold yourself back, and make me open up to you.
  4. Win my body and you may get a ticket straight to my heart. I dont like selfish lovers.
  5. If you are a nice person, who is good to people (myself and my loved ones included) with a warm heart and a lovely personality. Aren’t our hearts intrinsically drawn to goodness?

I just came up with these now, they may change seeing that i havent had enough time to think about this properly.

If you think you fit this description, hala 😉