
Thank God It’s Friday!!!!


I am excited about

sleeping in tomorrow, I am back to always being sleepy 247 thanks to the ungodly hours I have to wake up -_-

Today I Am Feeling

kinda sad, my friends leaving tonight, my cousin and her family are leaving tomorrow, this is the suckiest part of January, when the summer bunnies leave.

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

Swedish House Mafia made sure they go out with a bang by releasing this joint! It is such an amazing song, the positive message is reassuring, the beat is up tempo and exciting. I said this before, if you did not usher in 2013 using this song, you did it wrong!

  This Weekend I

have nothing planned, I will just chill out, finish my Friends marathon, I am on season 5 now, and it never gets old.

I am really craving

fruit juice, so much so, I had to stop at a petrol station to get myself a juice box!

I wish

my things didnt choose this month to get spoilt, from my car speakers, to my blackberry, and now my watch sigh 😦 Fixing them will be such a process.

I hope

things get better, I am tired of always getting disappointed. Why can’t I be those people who have all the luck?

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is


Have A Fantastic Friday!!!


Thank God It’s Friday!!!

It's Friday!!! I am in a Tuesday state of mind
It’s Friday!!! I am in a Tuesday state of mind

I am excited about


Today I Am Feeling

That is all!!
That is all!!

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

Princess of China - Coldplay ft Rihanna
Princess of China – Coldplay ft Rihanna

This Weekend I

am so not drinking
am so not drinking

I am really craving

i skipped this section last week smh
i skipped this section last week smh

I wish

I had an eyelash curler, today one lash curled inwards and irritated me all day hmmph
I had an eyelash curler, today one lash curled inwards and irritated me all day hmmph

I hope


Today’s Inspirational Quote Is


Have A Funtastic Friday 🙂



Thank God It’s Friday!!!!



I am excited about


my cousins graduating 🙂 Toast to her!!

Today I Am Feeling


confused, so much going on that I do not have control of. Maybe in one case I do have control, anyway its just weird and hopefully I will figure out the best way forward.

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

This was one of my favourite JayZ  joints, where will we find us men to buy as cars for every day of the week? I hate B ;p

This Weekend I


will be cruising in some quarry somewhere off Nairobi 🙂

I wish

one day I will be fortunate enough to meet this awesome man!!


I hope

I get to experience their kinda love 🙂


Today’s Inspirational Quote Is


Happy Birth Week Jigga Man 🙂




Thank God It’s Friday!!!!

and Thank God for 3 day weeks!! In my mind it is Wednesday!

I am excited about


Today I Am Feeling

sad and confused at first. I found out Michael, the Manager at Java KMA passed away from a road accident this past weekend. I first met him at Java Junction where he waited tables, then he was moved to Galleria, where he was promoted to Manager, then he was posted to Java KMA. He was that dark, slim, smiley guy, who always checked on customers and made sure you were okay. sigh, may he rest in paradise.

Hearing about his death just made me wonder, we work so hard to achieve something, but once you get there, it can cruelly be snatched away from you at a whim? What is the point?

Rest in Paradise Michael.

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

I was not really into this song at first because it sounded like the Afrojack Shermanology song, but it sorta grew on me.

  This Weekend I

will usher in drinkcember with colour and pomp 😉 I love December!

I wish

money grew on trees :p

I hope

it doesnt rain this weekend, Amen!

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is

Lindsay & Austin // Engaged

Have  A Fantastic Friday!!!


Thank God It’s Friday!!!!

i did not fancy this week much, sooo glad it’s over!!!

I am excited about

Seeing you again J I heart summer bunnies, now 1 more to go in Dec and 2012 will end in style.

Today I Am Feeling

Amped and motivated.

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

This song is hot! And it will not leave my system!

This Weekend I

Will be headed upcountry, country air, I have a feeling it is all overrated, and I am already dreading the toilet situations smh. I miss Nairobi already.

I am really craving

double sided tape from here feel free to buy it for me 😉

I wish

so many people did not die this week 😦

I hope

shagz will not be as bad as I expect..

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is

Have A Fab Friday!!!


Thank God It’s Friday!!!!!

I am excited about

my cousin coming home today from abroad 🙂 I cannot wait for Christmas too, everyone will be here 🙂

Today I Am Feeling


My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

Miss Christina is back!! I loved this song from the minute I first saw it! She looks soooo hot my gosh! I love the video, love her red heels when she is in the bathroom, and how she wipes how mouth once she gets out, and all of her outfits, she would make such a hot pin up doll. is my girl crush showing?

This Weekend I

will represent for  #teamlivebeyondyourmeans 🙂

I am really craving

a strawberry daiquiri form Brew Bistro, like really really bad!

I wish

life was simple..

I hope

my plans pan out 🙂

 Today’s Inspirational Quote Is

Have A Fun Friday!!!!


Thank God It’s Friday!!!!


I am excited about

Naivasha Fashion Weekend.

Today I Am Feeling

extremely antsy -_-

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

This song is so something!

This Weekend I

am looking forward to going outta town, and meeting my friends new significant other, and his friends of course 😉

I am really craving

Bib necklaces, they are so fetch!!

I wish

this rain would just rain already!

I hope

everything goes well tomorrow.

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is

Have A Fabulous Friday!!


Thank God It’s Friday!!!

If this doesnt make you smile, I do not know what will :p

Nairobi is rainy, cloudy and cold this morning, let us hope we find some sunshine from somewhere 🙂

I am excited about

crashing a party :p

Today I Am Feeling

cold, hold me?

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

This song! Wacha tu!

This Weekend I

may be rained on, again! Let us hope the sun shines!

I Am Really Craving

a new wardrobe, my closet sucks!

I wish

my car did not have so many problems grrrrr

I hope

it does not rain, yes I have to keep talking about the rain because I hate driving in the rain, I cannot see 😦

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is

Have A Fantastic Friday!!!!


Thank God It’s Friday!!!!


I am excited about

Halloween 🙂

Today I Am Feeling

happy, excited 🙂

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

Jack Rooster is fast becoming one of my favorite deejays, his house mixes rock, make sure you tune into his show Cafe Mocha on Homeboyz Radio every Saturday from 1pm – 3pm. I had the pleasure of meeting him last Sunday at The Tribe for Sunday Sundown, he is not only easy on the eye 😉 but very humble too!

This Weekend I

will be that chic giving my pal mad groupy love as he djs for the first time at a gig, so excited for him 🙂

I am really craving


I wish

Today was a public holiday le sigh.

I hope

I find some cool things when I go shopping kesho.

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is

‘Our task is to make ourselves architects of the future.’

Have A Fabulous Friday!!!


Thank God It’s Friday!!!!

and I am in bed 🙂  it does not get sweeter than this!!!!

I am excited about

a possible get away soon, fingers crossed it works out.

Today I Am Feeling

lazy, getting out of this bed is a task! Plus I am sad, how has this week just flown like that?!

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

Antenna by Fuse ODG, the youtube videos for the dance competition are awesome!!

I stumbled upon this one today. But I still prefer this one below, they dance better.

I am that chic who is going to cram these moves and burst a move on every dance floor :p

This Weekend I

wont do so much, sema broke :p

I am really craving

something from Big Square, I swear that place is addictive, shindwe!

I wish

my holiday was not ending so soon 😦

I hope

next week will not be too rough on me.

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is

‘If they treat you like an option, leave them like a choice’

Have a Fantastic Friday 🙂