
Thank God It’s Friday!!!!

Finally the week has ended, I never thought Friday would get here.

I am excited about

seeing my cute lil nephew, and my cousin who just flew in, and hopefully, prezzies \o/

Today I Am Feeling

confused in a good way 🙂

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

This song by Mat Zo keeps bringing me back to life!

  This Weekend I

will kick it with the family tomorrow, defo looking forward to that.

I am craving

wisdom and strength to do what is best for me.

I wish

there was something I could do to help..

I hope

you know you are awesome, just for taking the time to read Revealed 🙂

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is


Have A Fabulous Friday 🙂


1st of the month



2013 is just flying!!! It is really insane!

July Highlights

The birthday celebrations were not as many as I had anticipated, but I definitely still had a banging time at the parties that I went for.

I had very many injured days at work, because team weekday pints are so sweet :p

Summer bunnies are back in the area, from lush looking ones to my family and I am so happy about that 🙂

I put myself umm out there this month, it was.. interesting to say the least.

Went on a fun mini holiday, made some new friends, and of course there was this

cheapest of the thrills
cheapest of the thrills

I was gunning for the airplane wings in the clouds that almost every instagram account has, damn night flights smh

I went for my friends baby shower, she should be due any time soon, and I am extremely happy for her 🙂

My tablet finally got clothes \o/ yes this really is a big deal for me.

July Downsides

My car got scratches and I still have not fixed them -_- I have no clue where they came from, but I know for sure it was not me.

This weather sucks major, I miss the sun.

This part right here sucks as well, but I am working on it blowing over so it’s coolio 🙂

July Discoveries

Men are douchebags, and sometimes, so am I -_-

Is honestly really the best policy? It never seems to work well for both parties involved, someone always looses out.

I really need to figure out what I want in life, this hanging in limbo thing, waiting for life to lead me in the right direction is not working out very well for me.

Take some things with a pinch of salt.

When someone tells you something, believe them.

Guard down? guard up? I dunno anymore..

Just because I think I am the bees knees, doesnt mean someone else will too. But I am the shit and the urine though 😉

Black girls are easy is my new bible, this is a reminder for me to read it, and often.

What I look Forward to In August

A good clean break.

Some sun.

Rift Valley Festival \o/ I have a feeling I will wait till last minute like I usually do, and then I might end up not going, and I will feel super bad if I do not go. Let us hope I will end up going.



How was July for you? What are you looking forward to in August?


Thank God It’s Friday!!!!

tgfwoot woot!!!!

I am excited about

this weekend 🙂

Today I Am Feeling

sleep deprived as usual, I swear I never learn, I keep taking ‘Thursday is the new Friday’ too far :p

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

i heart this lady!

  This Weekend I

am running away 😉

I am craving

Tuna, I keep meaning to buy it, then I get confused by other things smh

I wish

I was not so afraid of this one thing..

second, I cannot believe I am missing Davido smh

I hope

things go smoothly.

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is

pstivHave A Fab Friday :-*

I will need to refer to this in future, over and over..

“Be brave. Even if you’re not, pretend to be. No one can tell the difference. Don’t allow the phone to interrupt important moments. It’s there for your convenience, not the callers. Don’t be afraid to go out on a limb. That’s where the fruit is. Don’t burn bridges. You’ll be surprised how many times you have to cross the same river. Don’t forget, a person’s greatest emotional need is to feel appreciated. Don’t major in minor things. Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresa, Helen Keller, Leonardo Da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein. Don’t spread yourself too thin. Learn to say no politely and quickly. Don’t use time or words carelessly. Neither can be retrieved. Don’t waste time grieving over past mistakes Learn from them and move on. Every person needs to have their moment in the sun, when they raise their arms in victory, knowing that on this day, at his hour, they were at their very best. Get your priorities straight. No one ever said on his death bed, ‘Gee, if I’d only spent more time at the office’. Give people a second chance, but not a third. Judge your success by the degree that you’re enjoying peace, health and love. Learn to listen. Opportunity sometimes knocks very softly. Leave everything a little better than you found it. Live your life as an exclamation, not an explanation. Loosen up. Relax. Except for rare life and death matters, nothing is as important as it first seems. Never cut what can be untied. Never overestimate your power to change others. Never underestimate your power to change yourself. Remember that overnight success usually takes about fifteen years. Remember that winners do what losers don’t want to do. Seek opportunity, not security. A boat in harbor is safe, but in time its bottom will rot out. Spend less time worrying who’s right, more time deciding what’s right. Stop blaming others. Take responsibility for every area of your life. Success is getting what you want. Happiness is liking what you get. The importance of winning is not what we get from it, but what we become because of it. When facing a difficult task, act as though it’s impossible to fail.”

Jackson Brown Jr.


Plot Twist

Life, just like in movies and TV shows, usually has it’s random plot twists which you never see coming. A sudden change to what you believed was your life path that you had not planned for or could have ever imagined.


Plot twists come in all shapes and sizes: new job, baby on the way, new friends, new opportunities, money, new partners, all these things and much more can significantly change your life in one way or the other.

My life seems to be filled with interesting plot twists which I never expect, but I completely revel in. I have come to learn that I do not have sole control over the path that my life takes, so I literally just sit back and enjoy the ride because I seem to be more like the co-driver in this journey. Maybe God is the driver who ensures we get to our correct destinations and on time. Believing in this gives me faith that maybe my life is in control thanks to him, and he knows what is best for me.

Lately, there’s been a new twist developing and it’s been interesting so far. I am eager to discover how this fits into my life story.

Here’s a little something I thought I would share with you guys.



Enjoy your weekend, be good childrens 🙂


Thank God It’s Friday!!!

Woi this post is powered by self inflicted injuries from last night. So happy tomorrow is a Saturday!!!

I am excited about

whatever this is 🙂

Today I Am Feeling

knackered and sleep deprived, this is what I get for going out on a weekday till morning smh

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

I am obsessed with this song! How stoked was I when G Money played it last night?!

This Weekend I

will be going to see a friend of mine whom I have not seen in a minute 🙂

I am craving

icecream on my face, I know this makes no sense, but thinking about it makes me feel like it would give me life :p

I wish

I knew what happened to my car, it has dents in the front 😦

I hope

you know if you did whisper a prayer for me last Friday, I am eternally grateful. Passed my exam 🙂

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is

BEAUhappyHave A Fantastic Friday 🙂



Thank God It’s Friday!!!!

I need to go back to doing this thing in the morning, because I always end up doing it in a hurry before hometime smh.

I am excited about

this new found ummhhh luck? :p

Today I Am Feeling

happy 🙂

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

This Weekend I

have a Saturday!!! MY first since February and I am uber excited you have NO IDEA!!!

I am really craving

Redds baridi 🙂

I wish

Temptation was not so irresistable…

I hope

I pass my exam, results are coming out soon, and i am freaking the hell out. Whisper a prayer for me, thanks 🙂

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is

‘Hope feels the invisible, feels the intangible and achieves the impossible.’

Have A Fantabulous Friday!!!

I am not single, I am romantically challenged

This past June, I clocked 2 years as a single person. This isn’t something I am particularly celebrating, it is more of a way of life rather than something to pay tribute to. It is only a big deal when I am asked questions like ‘When was your last relationship?’ , ‘What is the longest relationship you have ever been in?’ etc.

I do not know why people keep bringing up these questions. Fine, they may be relevant, but not to me seeing that the answer I may give may or may not be what you want to here. There is never a guarantee that the response you get is the God honest truth.

I think I am becoming very set in my ways, and I am approaching that age where I cannot learn new things because old habits die hard. I am used to doing things my own way, without consulting anybody, and without having to keep tabs with anyone. I have been raised this way, and I think this will prove to be an issue in future. I have issues with anyone who questions my actions or activities, if my parents have no qualms about it, you are questioning me as who?

Nowadays I blog knowing at the back of my head that someday soon someone who I am with or could be with is reading as I ‘sell myself out’ on here. Well, do not say you did not get a heads up when it comes to matters concerning me..

I had a very interesting conversation with my friend some weeks ago, about how Kenyan men and women in relationships relate to each other. Women are competing with men rather than submitting to them, which is totally and absolutely true.

There are things which some women do, which is not the traditional way that women are supposed to act. For example, going out and partying. I have always said that I do not want to be that chic who is left at home while the husband is our partying. In my mind, such a situation wouldn’t have been ideal seeing that he was out having fun while I was at home dying of boredom.

Well, my friend changed my mind set about this. A woman’s place is in the home, and her mission should be to create and sustain a good homestead which her husband will always look forward to returning to at the end of the day. In fact, they should make it so good that he has no desire to ever leave in the first place. This made a whole lot of sense, now who to practise this with??

I seem to have a douche bag radar or something, seeing that I attract quite a few of them. My consolation is, how will I weed out the idiots without having to ummhh frolick in the garden? There has to be some flowers and not just weeds out there. Such experiences help me discover what I do not want when it comes to choosing a partner, they set the standards that I will never go below. My only qualm is, I need to stop giving some of these people chances, maybe there is no good in everyone.


I also learnt my reputation precedes itself, lately I keep hearing people talking about how they were discussing me, and I was glad to discover that the things they said were good things.

Being single kind of makes you less stringent when it comes to the standards you set, but one thing I have learnt, is that there are somethings I will not compromise on, and evidently most men know this.


For the most part, I like my life the way it is, until it gets cold and a human blanket seems like a phenomenal idea. Or when a sexy song comes on, and I am surrounded by women 0_O Or when I stumble across a beautiful bouquet of flowers and yearn for someone to present them to me.

Anyhoosmu, I am not in a hurry to get into anything serious, like I always say, things happen for a reason. For now all I can do is seat back and enjoy the ride..






I am excited bout

getting my weekends back!

Today I Am Feeling

sick 😦 I haz a flu

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

Don Jazzy ruins this beautiful song, he really cannot sing!

This Weekend I

will be here, come shop till you drop 🙂



I am really craving

an unblocked nose, and ear :-/

I wish

we didnt have to wait to loose someone before you could profess just how much they mean to you. Time is really short, so P.S. incase you didnt know, I love you 😉

I hope

this paper wont be hard, because I am so not ready for it.

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is


Have a fantastic Friday 🙂