1st of the month

I know it’s the 6th, just dwell on the fact that I am doing this post anyway 🙂


August Highlights

I did a whole lot of partying this month, I won’t even deny it.

I tried out some new things out of my usual routine, went for some whiskey and cheese event, and an art gallery.

I got to bond with my cousin and my nieces and nephews which was amazing.

I made some new friends, many of them actually, which is always awesome.

Had fun with the August babies, shout out to one of them who I know is reading this :p

Rift Valley Festival was awesome, it was nice getting out of town and partying by the lake.

August Downsides

I drank a bit too much this month, hence detox has started from this week.

I lost my gadgets 😥

I lost control.

There is a situation which I do not like where it’s at, but anyhuu we will see what happens.

August Discoveries

I am different with you, I dunno why, and that fact is kinda unnerving.

Monogamy may actually be a type of tree..

Moderation, where will I find you? Are you with responsibly?

Sometimes you do things thinking you know better, and are wise enough to control the situation, how wrong was i?

Never loose control.

What good comes off being honest about what you think or feel? So far I havent seen much..

Maturity is not necessarily based on age.

There are 2 sides to every story, but when both stories conflict completely, how do you know which side is true?

Being drunk is a very valid excuse :-/

Somethings are not meant to be.

You cannot rewind time.

Nothing good comes off lying.

What I Look Forward To In September

Earthdance, I have been dying to Professor live.

Sticking to my resolutions.

How was August for you? What are you looking forward to in September?


Thank God It’s Friday!!!

This week has really been short and sweet, beauty sleep and traffic has never been so good!

I am excited about

Rift Valley Festival \o/

Today I Am Feeling

so full -_- aki gluttony is bad

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

This Weekend I

may wild out, I dunno, we will see..

I am craving

that’s my little secret..

I wish

I was in Naivasha right now 😦

I hope

things work out for my mummy 🙂

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is

‘There are 2 ways of meeting difficulties. You alter the difficulties, or you alter yourself to meet them.’

Have A Fun Filled Friday!!!


Mindless Monday Musings

This is the cutest thing I have seen today! I keep forgetting that I need to go buy a cat from KSPCA.


I had a very interesting weekend. I got a lot of face time with my mummy, and we shared so many stories my mouth got tired 🙂  She handed in her project last night for school, I am praying really hard that she passes, feel free to whisper one too 🙂

It also seemed to be awkward weekend for me, I ran into my exes. I think it went well seeing that my guts never felt like they were dying, and I pretty much moved on as if they were not really present. I think I am all grown up now 🙂 It feels great knowing that someone who had adverse effects on you now elicit zero emotions. It’s kinda sad too, but I guess that’s the circle of life.

It’s also a bad thing being a regular at the ‘local’. I loved how welcoming the bouncers and waiters were, but I hated the fact that when people I had gone there with in the past had bill issues, I am the person asked because they know I am a regular -_-

I got some exciting news, I cannot wait for next month to get here 🙂

Also, my phone is just misbehaving more and more. Hopefully by the end of the week I will have sorted out this phone situation once and for all.

That saying ‘There are 2 sides to every story’ is so true, if you hear something, find a way to get the other side of the story, because no 2 people tell a story in the same way. One party always has to give away too much or little information which could be very vital.

I learnt a few new things about myself, okay maybe this weren’t new revelations, I just need stuff to fill this post with :p

I can be a bit hard headed when it comes to being forced to do something I do not agree with, but I swallow my pride albeit some difficulty.

I may be a tad bit too sensitive for my own good.

Sometimes some people bring out certain sides of you that you had no idea existed.

Being honest and open sucks, I have been doing it a lot lately, it’s not really getting me anywhere. I am going back to my elusive ways.

Enough about me, let us discuss Selena Gomez’s spectacular dress at last night’s VMAs, love it!





Thank God It’s Friday!!!


I am excited about

DSTV! It has been a long month of suffering without it.

Today I am feeling

i dunno, wishy washy? This weather isnt helping much either.

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

I cant believe I didnt like this jam on my first listen, it’s amazing!

  This Weekend I

will not drink, so help me God lol

I am craving

a new cellphone, my BB is literally on it’s death bed.

I wish

some things were easier done than said, yes that is what I said.

I hope

I get to do what I want this weekend.

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is


Have A Fantastic Friday!!!

Art Gallery Things

So about 2 weeks ago, my friend invited me to accompany her to an art gallery, where the works of one Sammy Lutaya were on display at the Michael Joseph Centre at Safaricom house. I am a sucker for trying out new things, especially bougie sounding things like visiting an art gallery.

First up, the security at that location is insane! I highly doubt I will be going back there again.

The gallery was very well organised, and Sammy is one amazingly talented artist.

I came to realise that the thing about art is that there can be very different interpretations of what we all see. The painter draws inspiration from some place, and the rest of us looking at their work interpret what we see in our own ways.

I think this piece was called The Mona Lisa
I think this piece was called The Mona Lisa

Such a pretty lady, I wonder who/what was behind her smile..

Maternal Affection
Maternal Affection

This beautiful piece of art costs Kshs 860,000 , yeah, feel free joining me as I contemplate making a career move to painting.

2013-08-13 18.38.35

All I could see in this piece was the illuminati triangle lol blame memes for my warped interpretation of this.

Pretty Shy
Pretty Shy

Seeing that I consider myself pretty shy, I was definitely drawn to this piece. Who has a spare Kshs 360,000 to buy this for me?

2013-08-13 18.44.36

I saw wolverine, or some warped version of him 🙂 My friend saw a fish. What do you see?

The singing diva
The singing diva

This was yet another pricey, but beautiful piece going for Kshs 740,000.

I am still wondering if anyone went home with one of Sammy’s pieces, I hope they did though, because he deserves to prosper with such talent.

In a nutshell, the event was awesome, we got so many rounds of free bitings, and free beverages. I am all about the freebies so I was one happy camper 🙂

I will definitely attend lots more of these type of events.



Thank God It’s Friday!!!


I am excited about

this new blog i stumbled upon this week called Moca Chica by Alaka. It’s a relatively new blog, but what I really love about her is that she is not a repeat offender, she has a stunning collection of accessories, and you may discover some cool online stores that she shops from. Here are a few of her looks that I loved:

moca1 moca2 moca3 moca4 moca5

Today I Am Feeling

happy, with a twinge of sleepiness.

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

This Weekend I

plan to chill out, kick it with some peeps, low key typa things.

I am craving

knee high boots!!

I wish

things would always be simple, it’s amazing how fast things can get complicated if you overthink things, ask me!

I hope

it doesnt rain this weekend.

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is


Happy Friday!!!


Candy and alcohol? shurrup and take my money!!!
Candy and alcohol? shurrup and take my money!!!
Happy Eid Mubarak to all my Muslim Brethren 🙂 Tomorrow is a public holiday *fist pump*
Some spiritual nourishment
Some wisdom, sorry, no kush :p
Some wisdom, sorry, no kush :p
you know!!!
you know!!!
Baddie Bey XD
Baddie Bey XD

Today is a Drake kinda day, and this song is so amazing!

All the damn time!
All the damn time!

High chances are I will not be able to do TGIFridays tomorrow, because I will be too busy living life :p

Have yourselves a phenomenal weekend
