
Thank God It’s Friday!!!!


It is raining all sorts of animals here in Nairobi, driving home last night was a scary experience, and the roads are in a horrible condition. Kibaki should just declare this rain a national disaster and let us stay home 🙂

I am excited about

rocking my fabulous dress tomorrow. The dress I made turned out amazing, I hope the sun shines so that I will not have to cover it up, if it does, I can always freeze and shine :p

Today I Am Feeling

wishy washy but generally just peachy.

My Funky Friday Theme Song Is

I discovered this song this past weekend by Bryan Adams and I was really amazed because it is a pretty cool song.

This Weekend I

will get to hang out with one of my boys who I have  not seen in a minute 🙂

I am really craving

liquorice for some strange reason.

I wish

I would run into that magnificent dancer soon!

I hope

and pray it doesnt rain so badly today.

Today’s Inspirational Quote Is

I loved this cartoon 🙂

Have A Fantastic Friday!!!!


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I am the life of parties I have never attended. I live vicariously through myself.

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