Totally random

Facebook made me hate that word Random. I think everyone has an album called random yawn.

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In Nairobi, the rain rarely elicits such excitement. Rain comes with traffic, mud, lack of clothes to wear, lazyness, power outages, thunderstorms, boredom, floods.



22 more days to the end of lent….

Chuck Bass and Blair Warldof make one HOT couple!!!

Sponge Bob square pants

Club Kiboko please bring back the best funniest cartoon ever??


In Memory of Biggie Smalls who died 13 years ago today RIP!

I think I am starting to understand what a lol cat is…

Zac Effron

I think I need to start taking more black and white photos, they create some really artistic pictures.

I am not such a big fan of these Disney kids, they are young, hot and talented 😦  I never got what the big deal was about Zac Effron, but until I watched 17 again, I have conceded, he is hot!!!

I need to be carefree and peaceful like this girl in the picture, with no troubles at all.  I need to go swimming as well, those slides for Village Market would be a great place to go. Wish I had a free weekday to go do that.


I LOVE lollipops!!! I eat them whenever I can. I saw a big one like this at a candy stand at Yaya Centre jana worth 300 Kshs. Aki I am so gonna buy it and eat it at a public place.

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I am the life of parties I have never attended. I live vicariously through myself.

2 thoughts on “Totally random”

  1. chuck bass should raise his hands coz he’s a tru playa lol bt they do make such a hot couple i want 2 go swimming too,in village market!I want to be carefree at least for a day how hard can it be?tell me when you try it.have a lolly or two for me as well ….thanks @Nkirdizzle keep the posts coming nice end to my day 😀

    1. Chuck bass is just hot!!!! i really want a piece of that action 😉 i dont think il get to try that carefreeness any time soon sadly so if u do it first, do it for 2!!

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