Pink Ribbon Swag

I had originally named this post ‘Neo soul sucks’, but this post turned out to be more meaningful than just a rant about how boring Neo soul is.



I have never been a fan of Neo soul music, I find it boring and monotonous. I prefer listening to upbeat music, which I can dance or bop my head to. Music has a strong influence on my emotions, hence I prefer music that will make me happy and excited. Neo Soul makes me feel sad and bored, so I avoid listening to that genre as much as possible.

There are however, a few exceptions to that rule, certain artists who sound simply amazing and have superior singing prowess. Of course India Arie is one of those, who doesn’t love her? Her boyfriend, Musiq Soulchild (Are they still together?) is another neo soul artist I cannot help but love, and Yes a single from his latest album is a joint I am really feeling.

I youtubed the video, just now when I decided to blog about the song, and I was amazed to discover that the song’s video is about Breast Cancer survival and the video features breast cancer survivors. This video makes the song even more special I think. Though I dunno who they are trying to fool, we can all see that chic has a lace front weave, which is supposedly falling out. Apart from that, the video is really touching and very fit seeing that October is breast cancer awareness month.

I haven’t been screened this year, I sort of need to psych myself up for it seeing that the process involves being felt up by a stranger. Kinda makes me wish I had a man who could do it for me 😉 But to create awareness about Breast Cancer, I won’t prance about bra-less like some people how does that create awareness? and some of us cannot biologically afford to do that lol but I will rock my pink ribbons every day. Let’s hope I will get the courage to go get screened as soon as possible.

Cancer is eliminating so many people, someone needs to come up with a cure.

Take care of your tittays,